Sunday, January 17, 2010

Earthquake, Haiti and the iReport

Earthquake, Haiti
and the iReport
((Robbers) (1-12-2010))

The earthquake on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 (7.0-magnitude) had devastated Port-au-Prince, Haiti (and four days later, thousands of bodies remain crumpled in the streets, still lay exposed to the sun, draped in sheets and cardboards, as the creation of mass graves are underway, and red tap being slashed) and across the island, aid had been held up by a crippled airport, sunken roads and from gangs now forming throughout the capitol city, finding they were not encountering any resistance in the city, and reaching out to the rural areas; people walking along the roads, some on bicycles, getting pushed to the sides because the broken roads and the dead bodies were in the way.
The bodies lay alone or in clumps, in the high debris of the fallen buildings, in holes and pockets, and flies circle and the dead reek to the high heavens, bodies and papers scattered. People know, and that is why they are trying to find their loved ones—people know, because of the mass dead, names, their names will vanish soon, never to be found, if not fond now, everything is so scattered about, or empty, protruding, blocking this and that, crews in odd positions, and around them, in the debris, looters, and typical robbers, ready to enforce their new territories, and/or terrorize those who try to stop them.
They bury the bodies fast, in old tombs, in old graveyards; two or three in a casket, in fear disease will rapidly bury them. There is mass prayer, and the voodoo gods have fallen to sleep. Faces are lumped and swollen and the gangs, oh yes the gangs are out there giving their propaganda.

And yesterday, CNN did a commentary on the evils of two Christian clergy; that is, pertaining to two clergy, Jerry Farwell, and Pat Robertson (the iReport—). The report implies I do believe: Pat inferred the Haitian disaster is doing in part, if not in whole, to its sinful nature. And the report scolds him, for the hate message, although I do not believe it is a hate message, it is just an opinion, perhaps more like a warning, to not go back to your old ways, you know what I mean, the killing and rapping and thievery and all that kind of stuff, and false voodoo gods, and devil worship they were doing before the earthquake. I don’t care one-way or the other for Pat, or Jerry Farwell, I don’t know them, but the report says he doesn’t know the first thing about love. It is not a love message Pat intended to give, it is a warning, I would think. Like Mr. Farwell, who pert-near implied New York City got their warning with 9/11.

I don’t know about all this but this is what I do know: these are new dead, and no one had bothered before, with anything but talk therapy—in or out of Haiti, the UN tried to do bring law and order to Haiti, and they couldn’t, even if they try to deny this (they do infer: we were right next to it though, as if it was a horseshoe game).
There is a cost, and a limit to God’s kindness. He warned and warned, the people before the flood, and he warned the people of Sodom and Gomorra, and he warned the Angelic renegades in Gen. 6, in the bible, and he had Jonah warn his city, and he warned the churches in Asia Miner, to keep their first love, Jesus Christ in their hearts, not openly defy him with sin and lawlessness. And I could go on for another several paragraphs in showing God’s limit with his love, and I am sure the iReport, would defend their so called love report. And I could point out New Orleans, and San Francisco, and China for earthquakes similar to Haiti. If we are really talking about God, and I do not really think the iReport, cares one-way or the other about God; in truth, Pat and Jerry are probably right on the mark, God does intervene to get man’s attention, if he can through man, he’ll do it his own way.
On the other hand, if we are talking Darwinism, we might just as well go pick up the rubble scattered here and there and get ready for the next one. And let me add to that, when Christ returns, he is not coming back on a donkey, look in the book of Revelation, it will be on a white mount, and with a double edge sword in hand, and I’d advise everyone who gets in his way, to bow quickly, and if not, someone will have more to write about on another iReport.

No: 570 (1-17-2010)

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