Book Two
The Origins of Reason
(Books, Demons and Races)
Part One
The Races
This is not about evolution, or primatology, or origins of the species, or great apes, or mammals, a simple look at a few encompassing elements of man, what circled him, a touch of anthropology, perhaps a little archeology, a tinge of linguistics, and genetics. No more.
I call this Part Two: the Origins of Reason (Part one being: The Books Behind Methuselah”), because those things we are talking about: books, Demons and Races, talk and can reason, write things down, and have genetic disorders, or genetic fiber that make them who they are. We don’t need any big scientific stuff here—although we may look at some to prove a point, we just need common sense (which is not so common anymore), an open mind, curiosity, and not be a born again atheist, agnostics are fine.
Let me make a few topic sentences or subjects in this one topic sentence, and then go on. I’m not even going to try to debate or define the word human; if that was the case we’d have to go back pretty far, according to Darwinism, or anthropologist, perhaps four-million years. And most all of us have had that stuff shoved down our throats by the new thinkers. Are we who we thing we are? Are we older than 6000-years old, what species are we part of. Are we part of natural selection, an accident? Is there a logical sequence? Do our footsteps go back 25-million years ago? Can artifacts tell us, or draw a map of man?
Fifty-five million year old tools have been found under mountains. Is there a massive cover up by anthropologists and archeologists? If things do not fit the puzzle, do we eliminate them? Did man originate 100,000-years ago? Scientists say so. And why do they say so.
In 1966, in Mexico, spear points were discovered and dated at—the date of the site was 250,000-years old. But do these facts get out? So if you do not go along with the old theories, you’re out of the picture—perhaps jog.
So remember we are looking at the origins of reason, when man started to reason on earth, Darwin’s theory has some real problems: have we come from apes, this is from one group of scientists, he found the missing link, he thought, and he made it fit his puzzle, but the missing link is still missing. Java Man, a skull cap, and now we had an ape man, but most likely it was a monkey living with human being in a cave—this is more towards reality. How foolish can man be? Perhaps we have here the first Tarzan. Then we head to Lucy, our long, long ancestor, is just a bunch of bones, pasted together called the missing link. No more. So there is no missing link; missing reasoning on man’s part perhaps.
The Sphinx, is said to be 12,000-years old, instead of 5000-years old? Geologically speaking that is, it was built 10,500 BC. We see Egypt and the old cultures of South America, have similarities; perhaps sea bearing folk. It would seem something happened to stagnate man’s ability grab backwards earlier knowledge, knowledge that flooded the world, that was forgotten at one time.
In the year 1532 AD, a map was discovered and Antarctica was on it, but it was a dry climate and when the maps of today and that map were overlaid they were the same. So at one time perhaps Antarctica was likened to Asia is today, but the map we must assume was written from another map, thousands of years old.
Giants: Men of ten to thirteen feet tall, bones have been discovered, with large skulls. Mounds in America have been found, with large skulls, and bodies that were of seven feet tall, with double rows of teeth, and six toes and six fingers. I’ve found on islands in and around Brazil, giant feet prints with animal prints next to them, and in Alaska mummies in caves, as well as mummies in the mountains of Peru. There have been discoveries of red hair giants: Atlantis has such legends. Some claim these red hair men were cannibals, Indian legends of the west also. Sixty skeletons were found in the caves, now missing. Perhaps used for fertilizer, who’s to say? But Giants have been found all over the world. I saw giant bones in Mexico, and indications of some in Malta. In England I’ve seen giants carved into the hillsides, ancient carvings. Point being, there have been different races before our so called historical race, a race that has put pen and ink to paper.
Part Two
The Books
We really don’t need evolution to prove man is older than 6000-years old, he is. But why he is, and who was he, and as you have read in part one, he was. Matter-of-fact, there is more proof there were races before, Adam, is beyond a doubt.
It has been said, book writing started about 800 BC, thereabouts, but I have clay tablets 2000 BC., so that theory is out before I even get into it. And Enoch said he wrote 366-books, and that would have been before the Great Flood, perhaps 5500 years ago, or 3500 BC, or before. And we have found tools 55-million years old. And in Minnesota there are ancient writings I’ve seen on rocks, 3000-BC, or 5000-years old, and in Mexico, maps have been found 3000-years old. And on tortoise shells, in China, 8,600-years old writings, or 6,600 BC, we have writings, hence, which bring us to the time of Adam.
I personally believe books, or writings go back as far as reason goes back. If man has reason, he has left his mark on the world. We see in the Mountains of Peru (Stone Forest), old rock carvings, up in Cerro de Pasco, these carvings are 10,500 BC, I do believe, and are messages, saying: we were here. Also in caves I’ve seen rock art, as in Mystery Hill (2500 BC), of fish and cows, and so forth. Again telling us what they were eating, and that they were of a thinking race, a race of reason.
Part Three
A Look back at the Races
(Man, Animal, Demon, angelic, giant and then what?)
Who were all these people: the people, the people of reason, before the Great Food, before Adam; a different breed or race? Whoever they were they were not a part of the Adamic race. The Jiahu site dates back 7000-years. The Tor in England dates by 70,000-years, indicating a race lived on the mound. The Dawenkou culture dates back to 2800 BC, and one of the sites I visited in Peru, called Corral, dates back 3000 BC, and I found artifacts there, with designs and markings on, indicate how they lived. And I do realize the sites in Iraq, once considered the oldest in the world, have shed light on this subject of: ancient writings and of its event.
But we must not lose track, which were the races? We have the Pre Adamic race, we have the race outside of the Garden of Eden, and we have the Adamic Race, and we perhaps have Cain’s race, which might be from the seed of Lucifer, and we have the demonic race, and we have the Watcher race which is of the Giants and Demonic part of existence. All reasoning races and perhaps we have some aliens there, from other races (who might really be of an angelic element disguised as aliens). And we perhaps have a ghostly race. So from this standpoint, we are flooded with races that are not necessary humanoid completely, but of reason. And that is what we are dealing with, not fish and not the monkey, or the ape. If there is a missing link, it is perhaps because one of these races had intercourse with an animal, which it was said, those of the Watchers, did practice, and that missing part, might very well fell the gap for the so called Missing Link, and if there is a reasoning part to that race’s brain, so be it, but I’ve eliminated that from this overview picture (they would be freaks of nature, and I am more inclined to thing of them on the demonic scale than on another scale; and if you wish to put them into that area, so be it, we may talk about that later).
Part Four
Pre-Adamic Times
So we know there was a pre Adamic period, but we do not know how long; perhaps 20,000-years to 55-million. But what do we really know? This theory or concept is not publicly known, although an old concept, that even the Roman Emperor Julian, the Apostate (331 to 363 AD) considered; and Calvinist Theologian Isaac de La Peyrere, (1596…?) considered. So we are not on our own here. It’s possible they knew something we didn’t know, is that probable? We don’t like to think it is, but here we have a Roman Emperor, who has access to a lot of knowledge if he wants it delivered to him; he was ruler of the known world. We have a gap here—and he wanted it filled, but with very logical substance, not Darwinism, it wouldn’t do, that’s for sure (unverifiable), and makes no sense. But the pre-Adamic race seemed to for him.
Now we know God Created Adam, we can call him: father of the Jews, since the book of Genesis, was written by Moses, and he was a Jew. And us so called Christians, should realize Jesus was a Jew, I think sometimes we forge that.
So if we look at it from that perspective, the Jews go back to the time of Adam, about 8,600-years, thereabouts. I know that a Christian Pope, set the date at 6000-years, but he was not Jewish, and supposedly, Adam has that genetic gene, therefore, I shall go along with that date, it might disturbed a few Christians though, and I’m one of the Christians, but it doesn’t disturb me.
Adam’s sin (breaking the Law of Paradise) brought to man death. That is written In the Book of Genesis Chapter 2, in so many words, and in the same chapter, God created Eve for Adam. We see in the New Testament, “God created the first man, Adam,” in 1 Corinthians 15. When Cain killed his brother Abel, Adam was pert near, 130-years old, so I’d think he had grandchildren, who had grandchildren. And yes they married among one another, that was normal standards, and reasonable and logical—that is, if you wanted to carry on the race. Incest was not outlawed until the time of Moses (at which time, genetic defects were looked at, and deformities).
Between Adam’s time and the pre-Adamic period a ruined-reconstruction period took place. Because God told Adam to replenish the earth, so something was on the back burners cooking. Now lets shift to the pre-Adamic race, they committed sins also, but not the ‘death sin’ because they are still living. But during the period where Adam did not commit his sin, we have a pure blood line. Free from Cain’s sin, Adams sin, and the pre-Adamic races sins. That is the bloodline Jesus came from. And we know death entered in through Adam.
Part Five
The Lost Civilization
Did God make different changes to humanity at this point? Again prior to Adam, let’s assume—because it sure looks like it—a thriving civilization existed. And somewhere along the line, it vanished over night. Perhaps this civilization displeased God so much; it caused the destruction of the whole world. Perhaps we can give it names like Atlantis and Lemuria, but it doesn’t matter, it can be called Moiromma, or for that matter some other cadaverous name. Whatever the case, it vanished. And who’s to say, but maybe it looked like Mars for a while, as in the Bible it indicates the earth was empty for a long period of time. We can go back to the time Lucifer rebelled against God, if you wish, because at one time, Lucifer was the reigning cherub over all these planets in our solar system. And at this time, all the planets—such as Mars, and those nearby, endured the great battle of the era. Call it a multi-planet rebellion if you please, because it was, and yes, I’m sure Mars and other planets were livable, if not by humans than by other reasoning beings. Entire angelic civilizations were destroyed, and judgment (just like the 200-Watchers in the Book of Enoch, did not face God’s judgment immediately), thus, neither did Lucifer’s.
If we do not have good logical theory here, we got a good movie in the makings. But what I was going to add to this was: judgment did come, not only to the two-hundred Watchers, whom were put under sand and stone, etc., but for the rebellious angels some cast into the caves of those plants they had lived on, some in the so called “Prison House for Angels,” out in some far-off cosmic hell, where they survive today. We see Lucifer’s rebellion in The Book of Isaiah, Chapter 14. (You’re going to have to do a little work here if you want to crosscheck this, or take my word.) And when he fell, the bible indicates, he weakened the nations. What nations? And in the Book of Ezekial, Chapter 28, we see he was officially appointed “…anointed cherub that covers…” covers what?
So here he has several planets to his domain, king over, ruler of, appointed by The Most High. And on that list, is the pre-Adamic race. It perhaps was a long time that this angelic war went on. And in-between, scientific experiments, between animals and humanity, and he had at his disposal, one-third of the angelic race (perhaps ten-million angels). Not a trifle amount, when you considered one angel killed thousands upon thousands of soldiers in one evening, as recorded biblically.
In doing so, these angelic spirits, they were trying to form, I do believe, them-selves into a supernatural race on earth: what else? We must remember, death did not exist, so they did not know about such a concept. Everything and anything that could reason could not die.
Most animals—in particular, lizards keep growing until they die, and if they don’t die, they just get bigger and bigger, I’ve seen this in the jungles of Vietnam—some giant lizards. And perhaps with a little help from the genetic experiments, and thousand years or so, the angelic beings crossbreeding, ended up creating Godzilla, and King Kong, and Finn, and Gog and Magog, and so forth and on, and on.
In essence, the angelic beings could not duplicate man’s DNA, although they sure must have created something. In other words, God’s or Yahweh’s creation of man, and woman, was beyond them. And then, likened to the forth coming Great Flood, God destroyed the earth and all that was on it, or pert near all, and created a safe haven, called the Garden of Even, for his new race.
And perhaps at this time there was the residue of that old race still dying out beyond the garden: now Stone Age men. We see in Isaiah 45, God forming the light…making peace… (I think modern man, has lost his senses when he comes to thinking of who he is dealing with, and it is not a myth. If God wants to be what we call: Evil, because he does not go along with our own theories, he can squash us like bugs, and he will, and he has.)
Part Six
Jesus Christ and the Antichrist
I expect this old foe, Lucifer—of God’s, will try to come back in the near future as Christ himself, this is called the Antichrist. His war with heaven and God is not over. And I am sure he is planning his return, his comeback, as Elvis did, and old time boxers do, you know what I mean, preparing over the last uncounted centuries to make his way back on stage, since his angelic forces have fallen, he has been ruling the airwaves of planet earth, from the clouds and above (called the first and second heavens), there are several layers to this. Can we stop him? I doubt it, not even with a global government the world together. We are part of a larger plan. That started long ago.
Well, who are they and where are they? Maybe we call them aliens, and maybe they are in caves, some of them, the so called Anti John the Baptists’ the ones to set the way. Do we have contact with them now? “Does the Pale Horse Ride?” Have we made treaties with the Devil? Woops, aliens I mean. Different names, same face; we can see the makings of this new Great Babylon, in The Book of Revelation, 17 and 18 (in the form of technology). How did we get our anti gravity aircraft? Why did President Reagan want a Star Wars Program? Slowly the mouse creeps up to the cheese, just like the devil, to sell you whatever you want for your soul and for his underground laboratories.
The Origins of Reason
(Books, Demons and Races)
Part One
The Races
This is not about evolution, or primatology, or origins of the species, or great apes, or mammals, a simple look at a few encompassing elements of man, what circled him, a touch of anthropology, perhaps a little archeology, a tinge of linguistics, and genetics. No more.
I call this Part Two: the Origins of Reason (Part one being: The Books Behind Methuselah”), because those things we are talking about: books, Demons and Races, talk and can reason, write things down, and have genetic disorders, or genetic fiber that make them who they are. We don’t need any big scientific stuff here—although we may look at some to prove a point, we just need common sense (which is not so common anymore), an open mind, curiosity, and not be a born again atheist, agnostics are fine.
Let me make a few topic sentences or subjects in this one topic sentence, and then go on. I’m not even going to try to debate or define the word human; if that was the case we’d have to go back pretty far, according to Darwinism, or anthropologist, perhaps four-million years. And most all of us have had that stuff shoved down our throats by the new thinkers. Are we who we thing we are? Are we older than 6000-years old, what species are we part of. Are we part of natural selection, an accident? Is there a logical sequence? Do our footsteps go back 25-million years ago? Can artifacts tell us, or draw a map of man?
Fifty-five million year old tools have been found under mountains. Is there a massive cover up by anthropologists and archeologists? If things do not fit the puzzle, do we eliminate them? Did man originate 100,000-years ago? Scientists say so. And why do they say so.
In 1966, in Mexico, spear points were discovered and dated at—the date of the site was 250,000-years old. But do these facts get out? So if you do not go along with the old theories, you’re out of the picture—perhaps jog.
So remember we are looking at the origins of reason, when man started to reason on earth, Darwin’s theory has some real problems: have we come from apes, this is from one group of scientists, he found the missing link, he thought, and he made it fit his puzzle, but the missing link is still missing. Java Man, a skull cap, and now we had an ape man, but most likely it was a monkey living with human being in a cave—this is more towards reality. How foolish can man be? Perhaps we have here the first Tarzan. Then we head to Lucy, our long, long ancestor, is just a bunch of bones, pasted together called the missing link. No more. So there is no missing link; missing reasoning on man’s part perhaps.
The Sphinx, is said to be 12,000-years old, instead of 5000-years old? Geologically speaking that is, it was built 10,500 BC. We see Egypt and the old cultures of South America, have similarities; perhaps sea bearing folk. It would seem something happened to stagnate man’s ability grab backwards earlier knowledge, knowledge that flooded the world, that was forgotten at one time.
In the year 1532 AD, a map was discovered and Antarctica was on it, but it was a dry climate and when the maps of today and that map were overlaid they were the same. So at one time perhaps Antarctica was likened to Asia is today, but the map we must assume was written from another map, thousands of years old.
Giants: Men of ten to thirteen feet tall, bones have been discovered, with large skulls. Mounds in America have been found, with large skulls, and bodies that were of seven feet tall, with double rows of teeth, and six toes and six fingers. I’ve found on islands in and around Brazil, giant feet prints with animal prints next to them, and in Alaska mummies in caves, as well as mummies in the mountains of Peru. There have been discoveries of red hair giants: Atlantis has such legends. Some claim these red hair men were cannibals, Indian legends of the west also. Sixty skeletons were found in the caves, now missing. Perhaps used for fertilizer, who’s to say? But Giants have been found all over the world. I saw giant bones in Mexico, and indications of some in Malta. In England I’ve seen giants carved into the hillsides, ancient carvings. Point being, there have been different races before our so called historical race, a race that has put pen and ink to paper.
Part Two
The Books
We really don’t need evolution to prove man is older than 6000-years old, he is. But why he is, and who was he, and as you have read in part one, he was. Matter-of-fact, there is more proof there were races before, Adam, is beyond a doubt.
It has been said, book writing started about 800 BC, thereabouts, but I have clay tablets 2000 BC., so that theory is out before I even get into it. And Enoch said he wrote 366-books, and that would have been before the Great Flood, perhaps 5500 years ago, or 3500 BC, or before. And we have found tools 55-million years old. And in Minnesota there are ancient writings I’ve seen on rocks, 3000-BC, or 5000-years old, and in Mexico, maps have been found 3000-years old. And on tortoise shells, in China, 8,600-years old writings, or 6,600 BC, we have writings, hence, which bring us to the time of Adam.
I personally believe books, or writings go back as far as reason goes back. If man has reason, he has left his mark on the world. We see in the Mountains of Peru (Stone Forest), old rock carvings, up in Cerro de Pasco, these carvings are 10,500 BC, I do believe, and are messages, saying: we were here. Also in caves I’ve seen rock art, as in Mystery Hill (2500 BC), of fish and cows, and so forth. Again telling us what they were eating, and that they were of a thinking race, a race of reason.
Part Three
A Look back at the Races
(Man, Animal, Demon, angelic, giant and then what?)
Who were all these people: the people, the people of reason, before the Great Food, before Adam; a different breed or race? Whoever they were they were not a part of the Adamic race. The Jiahu site dates back 7000-years. The Tor in England dates by 70,000-years, indicating a race lived on the mound. The Dawenkou culture dates back to 2800 BC, and one of the sites I visited in Peru, called Corral, dates back 3000 BC, and I found artifacts there, with designs and markings on, indicate how they lived. And I do realize the sites in Iraq, once considered the oldest in the world, have shed light on this subject of: ancient writings and of its event.
But we must not lose track, which were the races? We have the Pre Adamic race, we have the race outside of the Garden of Eden, and we have the Adamic Race, and we perhaps have Cain’s race, which might be from the seed of Lucifer, and we have the demonic race, and we have the Watcher race which is of the Giants and Demonic part of existence. All reasoning races and perhaps we have some aliens there, from other races (who might really be of an angelic element disguised as aliens). And we perhaps have a ghostly race. So from this standpoint, we are flooded with races that are not necessary humanoid completely, but of reason. And that is what we are dealing with, not fish and not the monkey, or the ape. If there is a missing link, it is perhaps because one of these races had intercourse with an animal, which it was said, those of the Watchers, did practice, and that missing part, might very well fell the gap for the so called Missing Link, and if there is a reasoning part to that race’s brain, so be it, but I’ve eliminated that from this overview picture (they would be freaks of nature, and I am more inclined to thing of them on the demonic scale than on another scale; and if you wish to put them into that area, so be it, we may talk about that later).
Part Four
Pre-Adamic Times
So we know there was a pre Adamic period, but we do not know how long; perhaps 20,000-years to 55-million. But what do we really know? This theory or concept is not publicly known, although an old concept, that even the Roman Emperor Julian, the Apostate (331 to 363 AD) considered; and Calvinist Theologian Isaac de La Peyrere, (1596…?) considered. So we are not on our own here. It’s possible they knew something we didn’t know, is that probable? We don’t like to think it is, but here we have a Roman Emperor, who has access to a lot of knowledge if he wants it delivered to him; he was ruler of the known world. We have a gap here—and he wanted it filled, but with very logical substance, not Darwinism, it wouldn’t do, that’s for sure (unverifiable), and makes no sense. But the pre-Adamic race seemed to for him.
Now we know God Created Adam, we can call him: father of the Jews, since the book of Genesis, was written by Moses, and he was a Jew. And us so called Christians, should realize Jesus was a Jew, I think sometimes we forge that.
So if we look at it from that perspective, the Jews go back to the time of Adam, about 8,600-years, thereabouts. I know that a Christian Pope, set the date at 6000-years, but he was not Jewish, and supposedly, Adam has that genetic gene, therefore, I shall go along with that date, it might disturbed a few Christians though, and I’m one of the Christians, but it doesn’t disturb me.
Adam’s sin (breaking the Law of Paradise) brought to man death. That is written In the Book of Genesis Chapter 2, in so many words, and in the same chapter, God created Eve for Adam. We see in the New Testament, “God created the first man, Adam,” in 1 Corinthians 15. When Cain killed his brother Abel, Adam was pert near, 130-years old, so I’d think he had grandchildren, who had grandchildren. And yes they married among one another, that was normal standards, and reasonable and logical—that is, if you wanted to carry on the race. Incest was not outlawed until the time of Moses (at which time, genetic defects were looked at, and deformities).
Between Adam’s time and the pre-Adamic period a ruined-reconstruction period took place. Because God told Adam to replenish the earth, so something was on the back burners cooking. Now lets shift to the pre-Adamic race, they committed sins also, but not the ‘death sin’ because they are still living. But during the period where Adam did not commit his sin, we have a pure blood line. Free from Cain’s sin, Adams sin, and the pre-Adamic races sins. That is the bloodline Jesus came from. And we know death entered in through Adam.
Part Five
The Lost Civilization
Did God make different changes to humanity at this point? Again prior to Adam, let’s assume—because it sure looks like it—a thriving civilization existed. And somewhere along the line, it vanished over night. Perhaps this civilization displeased God so much; it caused the destruction of the whole world. Perhaps we can give it names like Atlantis and Lemuria, but it doesn’t matter, it can be called Moiromma, or for that matter some other cadaverous name. Whatever the case, it vanished. And who’s to say, but maybe it looked like Mars for a while, as in the Bible it indicates the earth was empty for a long period of time. We can go back to the time Lucifer rebelled against God, if you wish, because at one time, Lucifer was the reigning cherub over all these planets in our solar system. And at this time, all the planets—such as Mars, and those nearby, endured the great battle of the era. Call it a multi-planet rebellion if you please, because it was, and yes, I’m sure Mars and other planets were livable, if not by humans than by other reasoning beings. Entire angelic civilizations were destroyed, and judgment (just like the 200-Watchers in the Book of Enoch, did not face God’s judgment immediately), thus, neither did Lucifer’s.
If we do not have good logical theory here, we got a good movie in the makings. But what I was going to add to this was: judgment did come, not only to the two-hundred Watchers, whom were put under sand and stone, etc., but for the rebellious angels some cast into the caves of those plants they had lived on, some in the so called “Prison House for Angels,” out in some far-off cosmic hell, where they survive today. We see Lucifer’s rebellion in The Book of Isaiah, Chapter 14. (You’re going to have to do a little work here if you want to crosscheck this, or take my word.) And when he fell, the bible indicates, he weakened the nations. What nations? And in the Book of Ezekial, Chapter 28, we see he was officially appointed “…anointed cherub that covers…” covers what?
So here he has several planets to his domain, king over, ruler of, appointed by The Most High. And on that list, is the pre-Adamic race. It perhaps was a long time that this angelic war went on. And in-between, scientific experiments, between animals and humanity, and he had at his disposal, one-third of the angelic race (perhaps ten-million angels). Not a trifle amount, when you considered one angel killed thousands upon thousands of soldiers in one evening, as recorded biblically.
In doing so, these angelic spirits, they were trying to form, I do believe, them-selves into a supernatural race on earth: what else? We must remember, death did not exist, so they did not know about such a concept. Everything and anything that could reason could not die.
Most animals—in particular, lizards keep growing until they die, and if they don’t die, they just get bigger and bigger, I’ve seen this in the jungles of Vietnam—some giant lizards. And perhaps with a little help from the genetic experiments, and thousand years or so, the angelic beings crossbreeding, ended up creating Godzilla, and King Kong, and Finn, and Gog and Magog, and so forth and on, and on.
In essence, the angelic beings could not duplicate man’s DNA, although they sure must have created something. In other words, God’s or Yahweh’s creation of man, and woman, was beyond them. And then, likened to the forth coming Great Flood, God destroyed the earth and all that was on it, or pert near all, and created a safe haven, called the Garden of Even, for his new race.
And perhaps at this time there was the residue of that old race still dying out beyond the garden: now Stone Age men. We see in Isaiah 45, God forming the light…making peace… (I think modern man, has lost his senses when he comes to thinking of who he is dealing with, and it is not a myth. If God wants to be what we call: Evil, because he does not go along with our own theories, he can squash us like bugs, and he will, and he has.)
Part Six
Jesus Christ and the Antichrist
I expect this old foe, Lucifer—of God’s, will try to come back in the near future as Christ himself, this is called the Antichrist. His war with heaven and God is not over. And I am sure he is planning his return, his comeback, as Elvis did, and old time boxers do, you know what I mean, preparing over the last uncounted centuries to make his way back on stage, since his angelic forces have fallen, he has been ruling the airwaves of planet earth, from the clouds and above (called the first and second heavens), there are several layers to this. Can we stop him? I doubt it, not even with a global government the world together. We are part of a larger plan. That started long ago.
Well, who are they and where are they? Maybe we call them aliens, and maybe they are in caves, some of them, the so called Anti John the Baptists’ the ones to set the way. Do we have contact with them now? “Does the Pale Horse Ride?” Have we made treaties with the Devil? Woops, aliens I mean. Different names, same face; we can see the makings of this new Great Babylon, in The Book of Revelation, 17 and 18 (in the form of technology). How did we get our anti gravity aircraft? Why did President Reagan want a Star Wars Program? Slowly the mouse creeps up to the cheese, just like the devil, to sell you whatever you want for your soul and for his underground laboratories.
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