Friday, July 30, 2010

Special Notes on Gaza

Special Notes on Gaza

(Children Enduring): I grew up in the Midwestern part of the United States (Minnesota), I can recall looking back now—a bit foggy, but nonetheless, clear enough: at the young girls and boys I went to school with, but particularly the young girls, and as I look back I can see a high level of sunlight in their hair, and on their faces, it all became delicately brilliant as a hummingbird’s; their eyes near-violet, perhaps more blue and green and hazel, but as I look back, near-violet somehow, and in their faces was that tranquil repose of daisies swishing in the wind. I’m talking about a normal life, about a happy soul, children having fun, and what’s the news we get out of Gaza for the Children? As you can see in the few pictures provided here (and on every-day news broadcasts): to the contrary.

This is—for the most part—a mixed up sort of message, one I don’t fully understand, what each side of this war, each party on each side of this war—perhaps more like an extended conflict—between a narrow strip of land, what they are trying to tell me—no, not me, tell the whole world at large. Why are they using children the way they do, and damaging them in the process to prove a point that one side is worse than the other, when in essence, both are pretty much equal to the other: Why, tell me why! Do they have to stay put, and endure for the sake of enduring man’s incapability to work things out. This is the straight message I get, perhaps we all get: maybe the war is a pretty good thing for the two sides warring, I don’t know—and if you say: “How can you talk that way” it is simple: the children have to live with these bullheaded guests on God’s earth, never giving them satisfaction, only tears over their cheeks, never having a word in this ongoing feud, never able to say “We’ve had enough!”.

(Nailed with Firmament Stars): If this war is to stop, one must see it for what it is—and it is plainly no more than a ‘Tug-of-‘war’ between the legends of the past and the reality of the present with opposing forces to be destroyed or maimed or even tortured to prove a point.. We see here two sides who have formulated grand designs and blindly devoted themselves to realizing them without the other’s presence, and now one side is enslaved by the other by an abstract concept—both sides thereby detaching themselves dangerously from reality: because both sides want the ultimate roof of things.

Let met end this Special Note with this: all these folks (those folks)—Jew and Arab alike—talking about heaven and “Help me God this, and Help me God that,” who are indirectly and directly responsible for the onslaught of killing and harming of children in this so called war, or call it: an ongoing conflict in Gaza, putting children in harms way, aren’t going there, I assure you of that—“Why?” because that wouldn’t be heaven to have someone like you up there. The evil smoke you produce trails behind you, it doesn’t fade.

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