Thursday, February 18, 2010

Elton John: Gay Jesus

Elton John: Gay Jesus

I ask myself: What would make a superstar like Elton John, say such a thing as implying—perhaps in a comic way (I didn’t hear him say it I only read about it on CNN)—‘Jesus was Gay.’ First of all it’s not true, he knows it and everybody else knows it—Christian or not, so why imply it? Are we talking about character here—is there something wrong with him? Or hating Christians made him say that? Or just down right hating Jesus made him say that? Or trying to get a certain group’s attention? But what for? I know he feels there should not be any religion in the world and I can swallow that, and if he wants to die and be buried with his music sheets, goody for him, I’m okay with that also. And He’s not a bad singer, I got one of his CD’s, I probably won’t have tomorrow after I tell my wife, she’s a hard nosed Christian from the word go; she’s a terminator.
But back to the pattern of thought here: why, why did he do what he did, say what he said? And then smile or laugh about it. He’s a multimillionaire over and over, why does he have to do that. Why not scorn Buddha, or Mohammad (he’d get a lot of attention, more attention if he belittled the Muslims prophet, perhaps he’s scared)? Or maybe he has. He evidently believes in Jesus, he said he was smart, extra smart—inferred it anyhow. Most likely he has now separated those Christians that buy his CD’s, plus, he has put a damp spot on the gay community—or maybe the gay community goes along with him—it makes you stop and think but its reality. The gay community has had a long enduring struggle, and maybe they are now joining their forces and testing the water to see—whatever they are measuring, or perhaps Elton has some hidden jealousies, he can’t be as famous as Jesus or Elvis, or the Beatles. It all baffles me.
I’m not really mad at him; kind of pity him, for having so much, and finding it necessary to belittle someone bigger than him. He was put in a favorable place, to bring harmony through his voice through doors, and what does he do, slam them shut. Evidently he is unafraid of the devil and hell because if Jesus is God, and I believe he is (one third of the Godhead), he is in for one rude awakening, when he gets his one and only short day, and money will not bail him out—so he better make his peace with the devil.

1 comment:

  1. How do you know Jesus wasn't gay? I heard that Mary Magdalena was a She-male.
