Wednesday, May 12, 2010

About my Adult Children/Perhaps yours Also (observations)

About my Adult Children/Perhaps yours Also (observations)

It’s funny, I have five children, that I took care of, gave life to, and supported, paid child support for when we were separated, for some twenty-seven-years between the two families, and paid medical insurance for, and not one can even talk to me—much less show respect, it takes a grandchild to show value and admiration, caring and maturity. I think they all forgot what maturity is, or never reached the state and never knew anyhow (not sure if I should take any of the blame or not, I mean once you’re an adult, you are on your own, and if you lacked anything before, it is now time to fix it…): it means to know what one wants and to be prepared to pay the price for it. My grandson wrote me, he wants a relationship with his grandpa, and is willing to work for it, as I am with him; all my kids think its automatic, even if they show contempt, or a lack of respect, who’s the mature one here? So in spite of all I’ve learned since my youth to now, my deepest feeling about this matter is that they are (all my children) are all lunatics to be avoided when possible and at times carefully humoured—in particular mine, to who never want to be told the truth. And I still believe in the old saying, ‘What goes around, comes around,’ right to your doorsteps.
I’ve also learned by this bitter experience to recognize this anti-ambitious type, it is this type that becomes the police, the judge, the one who sets the rules, the one that tells others, the rights and wrongs of this person and that person—of them, the gossiper, as if they are being a civil servant, a bishop, a schoolmaster, they do this casually without feeling of fear, to try to humiliate, because of their own lack of ambition, thus trying to influence others to their own way of thinking. In essence to cause harm. He or she is self-centred and disagreeable, and thinks it will never come back to him or her. I doubt my kids—because of this, can ever make it their aim to achieve a lasting relationship with anyone; to achieve it would be to destroy their own egos, box oneself in.
Those who are dependent on the good-will of others (such as my children), cannot avoid becoming such a person, it takes a good deal of out-and-out lying, but they seem to have it. To be forced to be polite, with gratitude, one must believe in it, at least for a time being, and only too often it is all pretence, and that cannot be kept up forever, this destroys the private life, and they become simply boring—and must find a way to cause chaos—in such a process they burn more bridges, and no one can live two lives forever. Nor can any man serve two masters. Nor can anyone live with them forever on earth.
To accept these kinds of kids who grow up to be adult-children, men with childish minds now in their thirties and forties, one must have a very special talent, which I do not have; I call it an indispensable amount of tolerance for any outrageous behaviour, and this must be pardoned repeatedly. Only prostitutes, movie stars, singers, politicians can survive this revelation.

No: 621/5-12-2010

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