Sunday, May 9, 2010

Our Past in Clay

Our Past in Clay

Preface (To the “Book of Light”):

Perhaps this book is just the tip of the iceberg, and I’m not even sure it should have been written, in that, the putting together of it, the contents of man’s past in correlation to his surroundings, that he came out of, what it held before he was, the black sea of time without end, perhaps it was not meant to be put together for his mind to conjure, incase he may fall upon the unforgiving truth. It would seem to me—because of the little man really knows about himself, and his environment, and those before him, up to this point, wasn’t meant to be pieced together—completely. Knowledge long hidden from man, so petrifying, and shocking in that, should we really know, and really digest it, man would go mad, if not lose piece of mind, once and for all, and man and his society, his world as he knows it, would fall victim to the dark age of the brain, the dark side of the mind, that part where someone hid that deadly light.
Many a writer has guessed in segments of the grandeur of the past, on how our human race formed and how they used a stepping stone onto another, to hint to its strange and bloody past to the present, but its really only a glimpse we have looked at, the forbidden eons are still in a secret compartment. This is just one person’s look at a chilly past, sewed together by fragmented glimpses of truth, or what he sees could be truth. But like all gloomy and dead glimpses, this old puzzle is cadaverous by nature, as well as conjecture. So if you do not believe in its fruit and folly, its mania and abyss like content, its genius eccentricity, then toss it in the nearest dumpster, and simply call it good science fiction, or bad—whatever pleases you. But if you recognize it to be a good study of scripture, and bare some truth, you are on the way to opening up some strange doors, some very hypersensitive doors, ancient long dismissed doors.
No: 621 (5-9-2010)

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