Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Clash of Civilizations (Lions Led by Donkeys: May, 2010)

Clash of Civilizations
((Lions led by Donkeys) (May, 2010))

Let’s look at past events and place them with the here and now, and the world of tomorrow, those future potential events. It’s a good way to look at what’s coming before it gets here. And let it be said, this is one man’s opinion, no need to get a belly ache over it.
I can think of three wars, recent wars that look the same to me: WWI (my grandfather was in that one), the Vietnam War, and the Iraqi War. They all have the same dynamics, character flaws: a non-crisis call for America to go to war. All three led by Donkey’s, to have lions fight it for them, and Obama is part of this, and Bush was part of this most recent crisis. The sad thing is, in each of the other two wars, we had young protesters, but for some odd reason, the Iraqi war has none.
Plain and simple, all three of these wars (the one I was in: Vietnam), are loopy and faulty to say the least, where our boys died like cattle, still are. But how did we get so many soldiers out there to fight—they seem to be all over the world nowadays, and younger, and more willing to fight.
My guess would be we are taking our boys, younger; they are mere boys against bombs and bullets, with only raw courage between the two. Furthermore, there are more to pick from since infant mortality fell, so did disease control rise, leaving more males available for war. And there is a third reason too, hunger.
We see this in Gaza, in that, as soon as Israel kills off a horde of Palestinian soldiers—young men, they are quickly replaced (I say and mean this respectfully). As we see in Afghanistan and Iraq the same thing. No discrimination here, its just war and facts, soldiers are quickly replaceable nowadays more so than in the 19th Century, and before.
Now looking at it from a different angle, we can see a future world war on the agenda—or I can at least, rising out of our worldly mega-cites, that have grown 400% in 60-years. I can think off hand of six-cities with over 20-million inhabitants, unthinkable sixty-years ago. As a result of prosperity, the world has grown to over 6.5 billion people. To feed them all is next to impossible, if you cut two to three billion out, then we can go back sixty-years and all eat well, like we used to.
We see internal conflict rising in China, North Korea, the Mexican immigration invasion of the United States, and controversy growing over that. It doesn’t stop there, although I will, but with a last word. I am not talking about right and wrong here, I am talking about young people willing to go to war, or take chances over what they want, after they count the cost, that is maturity at its best, and war at its worse.

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