Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lucifer's Real Mission (Poetic Prose)

Lucifer’s Real Mission

Lucifer, Satan, the Adversary is the most astounding example I can think of, of vitality (other than God Himself). I have been taught he controls the air waves on planet earth, and a horde of demonic being deep within it, and perhaps as many as ten-million angelic renegades, and several planets in our solar system was even given to him at one time to throne over, and that’s not all, but perchance, the majority of the population of earth, making that a few billion from the past and a few from the present, and a few in the future. I am not jealous of him having this influence, but I do recognize it. He has in a mission form, or theory, or a war-concept, succeeded so well, that everything that was not abstract in the beginning, is now, now that we are entering the second to the last part of his stage plan, or psychodrama (mankind unknowing the protagonist is Lucifer himself, in the raw).
What makes an enemy to try so hard, and so long, to dominate a whole population of a world that might have went astray without his influence, by taking them refuge into his nest? I say refuge, where I should perhaps say asylum—trying to guard them so no one else can get to them. What’s his point? Who does he want to show them to?
My belief is simple and to the point, he’s developing a portrait. A pure idea of God’s supremacy over him and them and his following, that one angelic sin, condemns them for eternity—should not be. He is trying to prove God’s passion to humanity is not deserved and unfair because it is not to his kind; He hopes God will bend his hand, or he will bend God’s hand (and maybe there is such a plan! Who’s to say?)
If this isn’t the case, he’s overworked himself for nothing.

No: 2687 (5-4-2010)

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