Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gaza War

You ever hear that saying “You can’t be right, if the whole world thinks one way and you the other.” Well to be frank, I also found out in life, in more and more cases, the older I get, the more the world makes bad decisions only to return down the road and so “Well, that was then, and now is now.” In other words: you can be right--and the only right one in the whole world, and the whole world can be wrong, and it’s most likely, more often than not.
People fail to see, or understand, or incapable of dealing with, Israel taking charge of its self, its destiny. I mean, terrorists groups get less press than Israel; Israel is at war, with every country around them, and when you are at war, the game of life changes: Syria, Iran, Hamas, all those countries, even Turkey, is not playing by the rules, and this is war, and in war time you protect your people, land and culture. My advice to Israel, forget the rules, they are made for the losers. At the end of the day, only winners count.
There is blockade in place for a reason, so people can walk the streets of Jerusalem. And this investigation, which really needs it, the proof is in the pudding, no one is gilt free, and if you push someone in a corner, expects him to fight or melt. Everyone knows Hamas does not want peace, they want to drive Israel into the Red Sea, so they have said in so many words; everyone knows Iran wants to obliterate Israel, because they said so. And Syria is no friend to Israel, they have their own little terrorist group shooting rockets over into the Golan Heights, among other places in Israel reminding them, the war has not over. If Mexico was shooting rockets in America's back yard what do you think America would do? Now we got a double standard. I thought so. How about England shooting rockets into France? The point being, it's hard to see if you're 10,000 miles away. How about your neighbor shooting 38 rounds at your house? You got to do something to stop it; point of fact—out of sight, out of mind.

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