Tuesday, June 1, 2010

On Amjad Atallah: "The U.S., Must Condemn Israel..." (6-1-2010)

(A Review on the Reviewer)

Reference is made to: CNN’s Amjad Atallah, and his biased opinions, and my perhaps, less biased opinions concerning the recent statement he made “The U.S., Must Condemn Israel for Ship Killings.”
I’m perhaps just an old fashion Midwestern boy, with old fashion Midwestern ideas out of Minnesota, but back home here in the corn country, we like to look at how the corn is growing, and if we get bugs on it, we need to look at the whole picture, not make guesses, and to be quite honest, I think Amjad Atallah is doing a lot of guessing right now, and don’t know a bug from a bug. Let me explain my opinion on this matter, it’s not as simply as Amjad would like it to be—if he’s not above someone doing what he is doing—and it’s called opinion, nothing more, except he perhaps has more wind than me.
First of all, its quite obvious to me, and perhaps a lot of other folks here in the corn country, his’ biased opinions that is, and thinks he’s got the whole picture in a nutshell, or in the palms of his hands, he sounds like he was on top of the poop of the ship, taking it all in, when most likely he woke up, had someone deliver him the Turkish newspaper, and said, I figured as much, and wrote his little ditty out, concerning the bad guys being the Jews, and America being the Silent Giant.
I don’t know all the facts, nobody does except those on the ship, and to be honest, and I doubt either side is telling the full truth. And what doesn’t surprise me is that the UN picked up on this story quicker than the eye can blink, too bad they didn’t do that for South Korea, when North Korea torpedoed their ship, killing 46-South Korean Soldiers, that’s a over 300% more, lives lost than on the so called “…peaceful humanitarian” ship, and they’ve yet to investigate that issue, of course this incident didn’t involve Jews—did it?
My guess is, when all the facts are in, we may discover the so called “International Freedom Flotilla” with its ten-tons of humanitarian aid, will not be so black and white—meaning, to my understanding, they had cargo on there ships that they did not want Israel to see, things considered contraband, who knows what will show up after an inventory is taken—and of course, it they are weapons, the other side will say, the other side put them there. On the issue of weapons, crowbars were found during and after the attack, these are weapons, they hurt when you get beaten with one, and slingshots with hard marbles were found, and they are no different than small missiles, like rocks flying in high gear when used, and when hit, can kill. I believe in the sold saying, when you’re looking for trouble, you most likely will find it.
Amjad, has overlooked these issues, and for good reason, they put grey into the black and white picture he has drawn—and we can’t have that now can we? Not with everyone in an uproar, it would spoil the party. And lets not forget, the background of IHH, I know it’s just an acronym for an organization of good will, but its composition, is not made of good will doers? I mean, we got Hamas at its helm. That should say something.
So America should do what it is doing, tread softly, and not jump because one man thinks all the bad guys are on one ship, there are two ships here involved, and a whole flotilla behind one of those so called good ships. And when it’s all done and over, perhaps a few of those 600-good folks on those good ships, may be an infamous character, one whose killed a few Americans and Europeans somewhere, someplace, who’s to say, it’s too early yet. And the question comes up, why should any of the six-hundred not give their identifications? Most likely shielding someone—and that too is a guess.
I don’t know Amjad Atallah, I’ve never read his articles before, and perhaps for good reason, the only thing I can say is, he has a nice smile, but I hope he doesn’t take my opinion too hard, that’s all it is, even if a tinge biased, if so, we both got that in common.

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