Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Lame Duck: President Barack Hussein Obama

The Lame Duck: President Barack Hussein Obama

I’ve said if not once, a hundred times, when is President Hussein Obama going to get into his job? I’ve never seen a more worthless president in my 62-years on this earth. Not to back track all the old articles I’ve done on this fellow, let me just look at the few new issues at hand.
We got a president here that has done nothing for two months concerning the North Korean Crisis, of killing 46-soldiers our allies other than saying “Please don’t hit us anymore!” in the Pacific. We have a president that fires a four-star general because of an opinion which has more truth to it than fiction, one that was getting the job done in Afghanistan, or so than his predecessors. We got a president that has allowed American Citizens being taken out of a safe country, to Iran, and prosecuted for no reason, imprisoned for over a year—what kind of message does that give to the world? But then I’m not surprised, we got a president that has not spent one day in the military. We have a president that has not over a year been able to turn the economy one iota—matter-of-fact, it’s worse than ever: not one inch better. A president that cannot keep an eye on the biggest oil producing company in the world, allowing them a freehand in whatever they want, to do as it pleases, to the point it has now caused mankind a monstrous problem in the ecological echo system, the American system. A president that has sent more troops into Afghanistan a war that is over, should have been over, for an ongoing ten-year war, like Vietnam, and there is no end to it; and one in Iraq—that was proclaimed to have been won and over, draining our resources our tax dollars to this writing—all his promises were like stars in the atmosphere, too far to reach and everyone grabbed his bull…sh..t! And he is more concerned with sending half a billon dollars to feed Hamas, while they still hold Israel soldiers in captivity; a nation that claims if it had the means, like Iran claims, would obliterate the Jews, if they had the chance. Are we all nuts in America now? If it was up to him, he’d trade Arizona for a few acres of dirt land across the Rio Grand, so Mexico could move in.
I keep hoping he does something worth while, but he never fails to do the opposite. And he got a Nobel Price for Peace, by gosh, is we all that blind—where is the peace; and a Ph.D., from a Christian College, a man and president for abortion, and gay rights—unbelievable. There is something wrong with the way Americans are thinking nowadays. No wonder the American Empire is crumbling, like Iran says. If that is the best he can do, God helps us in the following three yeas to come.

Perhaps the President should read Mr. Faulkner’s “The Fable,” it would do him well; as well as the rest of the population of the United States, because everyone is sleeping: in essence, the president is trying to shut the General up, why? Because he wants Americans to think the war must go on, it is the essence of man, and it makes us look stronger, and it is good business. Actually I’m surprised a General had the guts to say what was said, they usually are the link pins in keeping the rest of the military behind them fooled in thinking it is for National Security, and freedom, and all that kind of rot.

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