Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Ebon Vial of the Orange Greys (Letter Two)

The Ebon Vial of the Orange Greys

((The Crypto-terrestrial Letter) (Letter Two))

October 4, 2010.

My dear Friend and General, AndrĂ©a’s Parra del Riego,
From the stern on the ship the Via Australis I am now standing, yes I find myself still onboard the ship, we docked in Ushuaia, for a day, but I talked to Captain Ben, and he’s allowing me to continue on these trips until I accomplish what I am finding to be my new mission in life which concerns your message from the South American Governments, pertaining to the Orange Grey’s request. I actually wanted to write earlier, and more in my last letter, this may sound unusual, but I was taken back down to the underwater citadel, in the Drake Passage, where the Orange Grey’s live, a second time, and this time for twelve-hours. The fact is—for the most part, as I write this letter, standing on the stern of the ship now, looking towards Cape Horn, one-hundred and thirty passengers on board, I keep finding out new things to tell you, concerning the novelty of this underwater world, and ancient fortress. In the long view, it has everything the human mind can devise, in the short view, yesterday when I was roaming about within this castle like environment, I found myself becoming fond of its inhabitants, and the many streets and nooks and shops and shopkeepers that inhabit the place, it’s like Old Jerusalem.
I have slept on this matter, and I find myself putting it into a new classification, and a much more important one. I don’t want to be cynical in my remarks to you but I must stress the Orange Greys intentions. If I were writing Cosmological Philosophy, I would say in a phrase or two, “If the Governments of South America do not heed, the demands of the Orange Grey’s, their associates, have a dark vial in store of them, they would see the world burn in fire, than not be allowed to live on the surface, there are four-types of Grey’s the Orange are the lest worrisome, had it not been for them, the other three races would have surfaced already.
I have asked the Master Orange Grey: why don’t you go back to where you came from, and here was his reply General: “We came here 17,000-years ago, before your Adam and Eve, in a region of space-time that with its immense gravitational force, is cut off from the rest of the universe, that your scientists call a black hole, when our planet became unliveable and perhaps unlovable, as yours is now. You see, we learned, one must love his planet like he loves his God, or family, to be able to live on it as he should, without destroying it, as we had done, this planet is a living thing, like a tree or a fish. There is a multiversity out there, that is, a set of Universes, and there have been at least fifty-seven terrestrial races that have visited Earth, eleven of them now live among you, and four Grey’s as you call us. You earthlings feel there is a single history of earth, or to earth, and it pertains just to you, with a well defined starting point. And that what you see today is the evolution from that beginning. When in essence, before we came there was other races here, and before them, there was—for perhaps 200,000 years or more. You are although the dominate race today, because you have been chosen to be.”
Selfishness is the attachment of longevity, of thinking we were always here I suppose. It surely appears that way; the Master Orange Grey, agreed there is but one God (although our Christian concept of three in one, baffles him, but he doesn’t dissolve it), that is, one God who towers over all the extreme races and heavens, and from him we all catch the first rays of the suns, from all the galaxies, the universes—I am paraphrasing of course the Master Grey.
I am looking afar-off and see the summit of the great Cape Horn, where I’ve longed to go, where I’ve now been twice, it hangs like an upside down leaf in the morning due, from a distance, the gray and the blues of morning, the clouds dropping on top of the mountaintop, you can hardly say which way is up and down. In this rain-filled air, one gets only a faint glimpse of everything that there is to see out in the Drake. I can say without a qualm, there is something in looking at Cape Horn, from the deck of a ship, and having it framed as if in a picture, it even raises one’s own self-love for nature in the raw. All disparity just disappears. I shall certainly sleep well awaiting for your reply. I hope you have not only started on that matter, but you, yourself are waiting for a reply at this very moment. But I know well, that it takes time.
I have been invited back down to the underwater citadel for a more lengthily stay, and to be quite honest, I have learned to hold my tongue, for I have been told in the past I have no hair on it from my earthling brothers and sisters, old friends that is; on another matter, I do mind my own business likewise, when I am with the Master Orange Grey, he is wise and appears to understand humanity—better than we understand ourselves, and he’s three times my age, and I’m sixty-two, will be sixty-three in a few more days. He also realizes whatever man has to use as a weapon, he usually does, and is prepared for such an occurrence, should the matter rise, once they are exposed to the whole of the human race. Therefore, consequently, we all must watch our step, manners and ultimately do not say one thing and do another (secret destinies are not allow here, lest we find ourselves in a war that is un-winnable).
I have the honor to serve, sir,
Yours faithfully,
DLS, from aboard the Via Australis

No: 679 (9-16-2010)

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