Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Fall of Utopia and the Fault of Science

The Fall of Utopia and the Fault of Science

We have been talking about the foundation of the Demon World and are about to go into the ‘Book of Judgment’, in both cases, into a world that science would call unrealistic (or philosophy), and taken in by faith. I am not saying we do not need science, but I am going to say, in so many words, science is not knowledgeable, enough so, at this stage to hold the key to the freedom of knowledge of such a great understanding it would take to see beyond their noses, in essence, science does not have what it takes to fill the gap. Matter of fact they still cannot figure out if a black hole is really a black hole in space, they got to take it by faith that their theory is correct, not scientific reality here. As they claim all religion needs to be reliable.
Satan came up with a royal act when man created science in place of God. In that he has taken prosperity, pride and intelligence and culture and created a continuous aspiration out of imagination by putting science in control and proclaiming this is the way to a perfect social order, Plato’s Utopia, or Bacon’s New Atlantis. But if we look around the corner what do we find? Chaos that is what life is all about, ever since Adam left the Garden. There was never any Utopia, slavery perhaps it’s all part of a generous scope of the Devil’s imagination and man’s weak point, self-interest in the here and now, materialism. The story begins artfully in the Garden, but even there, a few folks got restless. Thus, before Adam it was chaos also.

When science can step into the substance of the forth to sixth dimensions, which surround our Universe, then it will understand religion, because science is based on the realm of reason, evolution is based—for the most part—on faith likewise, and theory. Should we then abandon it? As the philosopher or scientist would have us do because they cannot understand religion. Science would demand we should reproduce what we claim, or see, or experience—in religion, for it to be of any substance. Yet it does not demand that of it self. Science would say: religion is based on morals. This is false; morals will allow you to live a better life, as science will allow you to live a more comfortable life also, both will allow such freedoms. Without prosperity, you cannot have science or advancement in it. Thus, prosperity, science and religion, make you happy, or can, both derived from a questionable sense, something experienced. If you have a corrupt mind, or your mind is corrupted, you may never experience what other religious people can; likewise, if you do not study science, how on earth are you going to get to the moon? We have here pure science and pure religion—in both cases, we need pure motivation.

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