Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Letter to Dr. Terry Jones

Dr. Terry Jones,
you were really good today on CNN: what the newscaster doesn’t realize is: the general doesn’t speak for the common soldier he speaks for the President of the United States, Obama, that is why the president got rid of the last General in Afghanistan, was because he had a mind of his own. And as far as speaking for the soldiers, how could he, he doesn’t know them. And if he cared about the lives of American troops, they’d be coming back home not leaving one dirty mess for another, like Obama promised. H. Clinton is speaking for Obama only, and to appease him. I have three letters from President Bush; you can check one out which is on my site. They blame Bush for everything, to avoid their own mistakes. I doubt the CNN speaker could name anyone killed in Vietnam, he wasn’t born then. If only we could have some privates speaking up for the Army for once and freely speaking, instead of all these folks who never were in a war yelling? Obama is one who never saw a war, and H. Clinton, and I bet the CNN speaker you spoke with, who was so brave, never saw action. And maybe he should check out my credentials, I have an Army Commendation for Vietnam, as you tried to inform him but he would not listen to an old Veteran, would he, that’s how much he cares, thank you for trying. My book is open, I have 170,000-readers a month, and I’ve been on the iReport some, and maybe he needs to do some homework. I have also spoke with the president of Peru who has four books of mine, and several congress men and women, and he can check that out also, but he doesn’t’ want controversy, that is his means to his end, like Obama, the worse president in 100-years for the marriage of men to men, and abortion, thus, what kind of president is that? God Help us all!

I think Dr. Jones, the Government and military has things a little lopsided. They have a duty, and we give to Cesar what belongs to him, and to God what belongs to him. And in both cases it should be the truth, and now the Government wants to silence the church, isn’t that something. Trying to take one right away from another; if Obama, and the General and CNN and Clinton was concerned about American rights, they’d not have even brought this issue up of burning any kind of book: somehow I think the word is getting out there because of you.


Dr. Dennis L. Siluk
Three Time Poet Laureate

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