Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Riddle of the Cosmos

Riddle of the Cosmos
(In Four Parts)

Part One: The Riddle

Is there some secret information out there that the outside world is not supposed to know? That only the select few are allowed. Science says, the world was not made by the Gods, or God, rather the interacting forces within the Universe. I think, or the more I think of that statement, one that Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan would both agree with, is pretty darn old, it goes back to Egypt and Babylon, as it says in the Bible: “There is nothing new under the sun.”
Albert Einstein said—and I shall paraphrase him—God is the sum total of the physical laws which describe the universe. I do believe Socrates would go along with that also—and maybe even the Pope.
On the other hand, Carl Sagan, our late 20th Century scientist, philosopher, and so forth (he had many titles), would not, he would say, or he has said in essence: “God is emotionally unsatisfying,” inferring, if Einstein is correct, God is not up to par for Carl.
Stephen Hawking, now, our 21st Century, philosopher, among other titles, would agree with Carl, as would Plato, and Aristotle, and even take it one step further by saying, God is “unnecessary” and if we want to add Darwin to the list, he would say: we’re all made out of mud and water, and somehow, put the monkey in the

whoever it was, and whoever is God or if God is the universe, or the universe is God, however you want it: if that makes sense, the riddle is not solved by Science, because the question remains, which was first, this is the riddle of course, the so called myth. You see, science created the Big Bang theory, not because there really was a Big Bang, because we can’t prove that, or they can’t, but it was created so the minds of man, our minds could adjust to who, and where and how we came to being here. Where is the truth in this? Who’s to say! However, because science wanted to answer the their own unanswerable question, for us—not that we wanted it in the first place—because for most of us, the question was already answered long ago; in point of fact, they felt we needed to readdressed the riddle they created.
The Hindu religion takes the first step into this so-called scientific ancient riddle, yet sadly enough, never takes a second step. Perhaps a Hindu God has fallen to sleep and in doing so, created a universe we all live in and when we wake up god forbid he will have to start all over again, the Cosmo Dream. Is this God’s dream or man’s dream? This is the riddle, where is the beginning, and who is holding it?
So, was it the Universe and God is in it, and rules it from within it, or is it as Einstein says: the Universe is part of God, that physical part, which we are all part of; or is it Hawkins’ point of view correct, gravitation, is God in essence, which everyone would agree, is part of the universe, which makes everything work according to Quantum Mechanics (we must remember, this also is a theory, not pure science, a little fiction in here with the physics: in a nutshell it means: everything is made up of Adams and the study of how it all works, and from here we get Atomic Physics—which is of course a proven theory in that it can kill 70,000-people with a three-kiloton bomb, which is nothing compared to what we have today, perhaps in the world stockpile there is 20,000-megatons of firepower, and in WWII, in the whole war we only used two-megatons, which means in essence, we can have 10,000-more WWII’s and so on and so forth—here it starts to get boring, but no harder than reading the Stock Market.)

Part Two: Stephen’s Design

Stephen’s Design

Given the existence of gravity “The universe can and will create itself from nothing,” says the great man among men, Hawking. There is reference to “Spontaneous creation, or spontaneously creating,” for his reasoning of how nothing became something in his new theory, how and why the universe was created. He goes on to say, “it is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper (fuse) and set the universe going.” From this, we all came into existence. He thinks he has answered the ultimate question of life in the universe, saying, or implying, “Gravity.”
Even better, who lit the torch that lit the universe on fire that gave the sun its ability to give light and heat to the earth that gave life to operate, with a balanced Solar System around earth? This is no new theory Hawking has come across, it has just plain old Cult Science behind it. Like in those old magazines called “Weird Tales.” Even Stephen King comes up with better-narrated stories than this. In addition, he may not say it but he writes it, his concept is interwoven with Darwin’s. The New Testament for the Atheists, more Science Fiction than provable knowledge.
Mr. Hawking feels he has filled in an old gap, that needed filling, yet is not the real question still unanswered here. How did something come from nothing? Moreover, in his case, he has grabbed “Gravity,” in place of God. To me, he simply fills one hole and digs another. To be frank, I do not think God needed the Universe in the first place to prove his existence if indeed, he existed before the Universe, and how can we prove He didn’t? I know I am creating a question out of a question, just like a scientist. In addition, by the nature of God, the Universe was created of and by him—to simplify things.
Another thought, is, if there is no God, then there is no devil, and I think that would suite the devil just fine. Nevertheless, why do we think there has to be a higher power out there in the first place? Perhaps we are born with that intuition.


Mr. Hawking comes out as if this is the new Apocalyptic Theory, hidden information, revelation of the new era, (lifting of the Veil), where in essence it is the same old falsehoods, misconceptions that dominated Russia and those other countries that tried to do away with God for personal reasons. These are smoke screens (straw men), Pseudo (or Seudo)—information:
To be honest, I doubt it would be all that hard (if I were God, and I’m not) to create something out of nothing—if indeed that is the question Hawking is trying to answer, thus, not even needing gravity in the beginning, but creating gravity, because of, for the existence of, the universe. You do not need 20-PhD.s to figure this out, a Junior High School kid, could do it. If indeed God was a circle, and the circle represented infinity, and He was, and is omnipotent, made a twist in its middle (like me bending down and touching my toes and putting my head through my feet, like those yoga folks do), thus, he has already created two circles has he not? Something out of nothing; now let’s say he takes the two circles and in the middle twists again, creating several knots, now he’s created two things, knots and a double circle, like an eight. Let’s take this one step further, and he takes one circle and jumps through the other, he has now created three circles has he not, something again out of nothing, or something out of his physical self, as Einstein would have it, that was not before. Moreover, all he did was a few twists, I mean he really did not put a lot of effort into this, and this friend is just the beginnings.

The Trinity

So let us call this all up, one circle turned into two, with knots, and then two turned into three. Now I am not calling this the Christian Trinity, it is just an example of something coming from nothing, because the trinity was always one, and one in three; thus, God has become the creator not the Universe, the Universe works because of God—not because of its self: it doesn’t have a mind to move its-self, my theory: God moves things by moving, this creates friction, like snapping your fingers or throwing a ball, one reaction creates another, in this case, a ripple effect (cause and effect), all three circles bend, and now God unties the knots and spreads out the center, now there is a big opening with the three circles around it and He calls it ‘The Universe’; friction creates motion like slapping a new born baby on the back to start its breathing—here comes gravity, or the tapping of a timepiece to start the ticking (maybe the Big Bang, haw?)—motion and gravity are now in place. And since God is God, all things are drawn to him, like a magnet like the moon to the earth, like the tides in the ocean when the moon is closer to the earth, Hawking calls it gravity—but God’s gravity is multi dimensional. Too complex for Mr. Hawking evidently: and if we search time within the universe—my guess would be we can go backwards some twelve-billion years—and perhaps time travel forward some. Beyond a certain point, there is no creation; thus, that is where we will be face to face with God.

Part Three: Politics

(The Unspoken Crime)

This overview that perhaps takes in multi disciplines, such as: anthropology, evolution, biology, psychology, philosophy, theology (to included views of the Atheism, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islamic beliefs, etc again), science and so forth is it not fair to say: we should be looking at who is making all the decisions for us out there, for the future of our children, that we will have to live with those decisions for a very long time, whoever is making them: such as those of Obama, and Hillary Clinton (at present), his sidekick and to those he has given power to such as: homosexuals, abortionists and the new invading Islamic dilemma.
We are reaching a point in history, and certainly within the American system in particular, that we are no longer allowed to be sceptical without fear of intimidation from the Government, likened to Terry Jones’ case, who the President branded as a Religious Fanatic, sending in the FBI and CIA, unites to shut him down and shut him up, because the issue he was talking about was disturbing to him, our nation and the Islamic world at large (because he wasn’t tolerant of Islam, and the media made a scandal out of it, and blamed him for starting the rumor of wanting to burn the Koran when he didn’t burn it, and perhaps had no real intentions of burning it but they sensationalized it causing the ripple effect)—yet it was only a message, a truth to him, but he was silenced nonetheless, and not willingly—the bigger question is “What next will the Government silence?”
It makes my point; conventional views are beginning to erode in America (one time 75% Christian, with 25% of the prisons being filled by Christians, meaning, they are only Christian in name, not in deed, because it is, popular to say so, like Obama; we all know he’s no Christian, but we turn the cheek and pretend he is; we even have churches now to accommodate whatever kind of Christianity you want like buying a car, what model do you prefer, the homosexual model, or the right to terminate children model, the right to protest Islam model, the turn your other cheek model, take your pick) and throughout the world, for the new unconventional, the unproven scientist’s view, or perhaps the Devil’s view; it is now a religious unspoken crime to burn the Koran in the United States, but not the Flag or Bible.

The Testimony

Now I want to get back to science vs. God. And I hate to use the examples I’m going use, but they are the only ones that come to mind, and they involve me, and those folks I’ve already introduced you to, thus, you might have a better idea of why I think the way I think.
Carl Sagan, died of a two year struggle with Myelodysplasia a form of cancer, pre leukemia, but the thing that put him in his grave was pneumonia. I think somewhere in all this, his system was just down and out, too weak to fight the elements. He died at sixty-two years old. Did science help him, perhaps so? Did it save him? No, he had a life expediency of perhaps twenty-years or more to live.
Point two. Mr. Stephen Hawking today is 68-years old, PhD. with a study in Quantum Gravity (in simple terms, learning the ability to predict the outcome of situations within the gravitational field, or fields; cosmology, the study of the Universe, in essence). At the age of around twenty-three, he acquired ASL, a depilating disease, that does not have a very long life expectancy, yet science allowed him to live a much longer life, but it didn’t take him out of the wheelchair, now did it; although it allowed him time to form his concept that there is no God.
Point three, I was in the hospital in 1994, I had two heart attacks prior to my hospitalization, plus I had two strokes on the operating table, one so harsh, three days after the operation, I was still going through seizures, so bad the doctors were going to put me into a coma, one doctor—the head doctor said,
“He’s a vegetable now.”
My mother, a God fearing woman, and I, a strong Christian, she went to every church in town and had them pray for me. In addition, within three days more, I came out of this forsaken fog, although my left side still paralyzed, and I could not dial a telephone number, my mind was clearing up quicker than a jackrabbit can jump. In less than a week, I was 80% better, the doctors saying “We have no reason for why you are better, Mr. Siluk…” it had nothing to do with them, or science. Then I asked one of the nurses:
“Tell Doctor Bash, thanks for standing at the end of my bed for three days, I saw him, and boy is he a big fellow.”
“What time was this?” asked the nurse.
“In the wee hours of the morning, he was alone,” I replied (perhaps 5:00 a.m.).
“Now that you’re better, Mr. Siluk, have you ever seen the doctor come in alone or at the wee hours of the morning? Because he sees you once a day, at 11:30 a.m., right on time when he makes his rounds and he has three people with him usually, two are doctors in training the other writes down what he says, either me or one of the other nurses, and he’s not all that big” said Mary the nurse.
Well, after another week, no longer paralyzed, just some memory loss that would take three months to recollect, I checked out the pictures of all the doctors in the whole hospital, everyone, to include Doctor Bash, and guess what, the stranger wasn’t there. My conclusion was, and that of a few other folks in the hospital—to include nurses and so forth, was that it had to be an angelic being guarding me. From what I tried to figure out: and I learned, was that Satan has some powers, and with those powers he can cause inflictions, and thus, that was the only reasoning I could come up with, after eliminating everything else, like the scientists do—coming up with—as Carl Sagan would say—the most probable theory.
Now you can say what you want, but I am convinced, science played a small part in my recovery, and although I was not an ashiest at the time, had I been, I would not be today.

Skeptical Thinking

Skeptical thinking is the key to finding out how I was cured (Carl Sagan wrote a whole book on the subject). Better yet, who cured me: Science or God? In my case, I recognized and so did the doctors, who it was not, and it was not them, or science, they as much said so. So we have to recognize the valid and invalid truth here—meaning, reason and logic, and come to a conclusion from all that—like it or not; from something the scientist would like to simple discount, that being, without proof, it couldn’t have been God Himself, because he didn’t register at the hospital desk (although he sent his helper). This is not a dragon spitting out fire, I am asking anyone to believe in, because a cure for me did not exist. The doctors had given up, I was a vegetable, remember, the doctor said so, my mind was gone: the doctor and scientist declared this publicly, in front of two other doctors, my mother, my brother, and Mary the nurse, and me. Thus, had science said—and they did not say—‘we fixed you,’ after I was well, that would have been fraudulent, and they know it.

My advice to scientists, which they will never take, simple: stay away from God, but they just want to keep bringing him into their theories. They cannot seem to help it. They cannot seem to workout their theories unless they put God in the corner, one has to beat the other, and of course science wants to win the boxing match, so they fix it—and you know what I mean by fix it.

September 2010

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