Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Coming of the Tiamat to Yort (7000 BC)

The Coming of the Tiamat to Yort
((The Haste of the Tiamat) (7000 BC))

Chapter One of Two
The Haste of the Tiamat

There was a time prior to the advent of man on earth, one might even say it was a long road from the birth of this time to the time of the Tiamat and on to mankind per se, perhaps 118,000 BC might be a good starting point for this prior statement and period, to the time now of 7000 BC, where the great walls of Yort can be seen from the woods and Great Sea.
She (the Tiamat) came out of the icy waters of the Atlantic before the earth was healed by the Great War of the Demigods.
Thence she came pass the Pillars of Hercules, came bitterly half frozen from the new continent now known as Antarctica (back then perhaps known as the Peril of Atlantis, for prior to Atlantis (9600 BC, there was no Antarctica) so it has been said.
At this given time in history the Arctic receded far below where it is today, perhaps all the way to New Orleans, and Antarctica crept almost up to the Azores, where Atlantis was born. And the winds from the Arctic swept south, so there was no relief for the waters the Tiamat swam in, lest she go to the Pacific, and that those lands were populated with the Bird-gods and Moai people, and many other mysterious creatures of the epoch.
Alas, the oceans were a perilous place to live in those far off days indeed, and accordingly, she came in haste to find a new abode, and that she did, the waters of the Great Mediterranean; thereafter, for three and twenty millennium, had past since her birth, now she has found a new path to be trodden upon, and she will soon find out, it leads into the great forest of Yort, and there she will be able to see the Great Walls of Yort, city-state, in Asia Minor. And so great was each step (parting the cold waters of the Atlantic), it was carved in her heart and evil mind, she had found the Garden of Eve, which of course she did not.
The land where she had now come to was bleak and bare, from a great flood that had taken place 9600 BC, just 1600-years prior to her arrival. It took all of seven-hundred years to dry this landscape to what it was now. And it was that many of these lands that were re-peopled.

The Tiamat did not understand at first the harsh tongues of the new world, so she walked warily into the many corners of the lands and sea, listening and learning, in due time spotting the walls of Yort, and set up a hiding place in the deep of the woods, living silently in those days, that is to a certain degree anyhow.
Wherever she was, no living thing felt safe, strayed slowly away, she was a deadly looking creature, she took by force, all she wished—who could stop her?
As grim as she was, she took note of the news of the Great City of Yort, where now she suspiciously lived.
She spoke at this time the old tongue of the demigods, a language now forgotten for the most part. And in time she would learn several languages of the area, she had a lot of time to do so.
It was a soft spoken language, with no tidings, just bare facts of the moment, and focused on the present.
At this time, Sinned was not yet born, but his Grandparents were.

Chapter Two
The Lord of Arms

…and so King Thesas I was not even the king yet, which would be in due time, and the time of Sinned, 6840 BC, and during this period there were no beggars in the city as there would be in latter days, the days of Sinned. His grandfather was a soldier, likened to his father and he, the time is 7000 BC, and the Grandfather will live to be two-hundred and fifty years old, which was not uncommon for its day.
They called Sinned´s Grandfather, “The Lord of Arms,” he was a general in the Army of Yort, and a fierce fighter indeed. His wife, LADY Newrom, and the grandfather were known as Lord Rom.
Here in this great stone house, Lord Rom lived, and his wife gave birth to Sinned´s father, and would inherit the house, and likewise, Sinned in time would inherit the house.
(To update the reader s/he will need to read the trilogy of the Tiamat—for in time Sinned´s father would be slain by the Tiamat, and his mother by the Amazons. And so Sinned´s family had a history with the Tiamat from almost the onset of her arrival, for Lord Rom, will also have his dealings with her.)
No one dare touch Newrom, when Lord Rom was out to war that is until the appearance of the Tiamat, who showed, or had no fears, not yet anyhow. Newrom, she aided the poor farm children who lived in the fields and outside the walls of Yort, with food and advice.
It is not known for sure but an old man gave some credence (and testimony after the fact) to the event, that Lady Newrom, with one of the farm daughter’s were plundered by some strange event, thing—she was stripped for her cloths, which lay loose on the ground and there was no sight of her. It was said by the old man, he saw a green colored object, perhaps hand, grabbed her and the young girl, quick like an alligator and the cloths remained where she was grabbed, and that was the last anyone had ever seen or heard of either one of the two females. The old man was too frightened even to send in his hunting dogs to save the couple, lest he expose his whereabouts, and be subject to the same fate. Assuming it was the Tiamat—and that is a good assumpton, it seems most probably it was, for accordingly, that was the beginning of what was to be called, “The Cursed Forest of Yort” when the Tiamat for some reason felt safe to plunder at will, nearly openly whomever dare trek her boundries.

Notes: “The coming of the Tiamat to Yort” was the most recent story written, and written from the “Last Tales of the Tiamat,” in particular. It tells a little about the history of the Tiamat, and how she came to be in the Mediterranean, area, in which she seems to have drifted into it out of the cold Atlantic about 7000 BC. It also mentions for the first time, Sinned´s Grandparents. Written 6-20-2007.

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