Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Ghost of the Tiamat (The Ghost of Death)

The Ghost of the Tiamat

The Ghost of Death

The Account of:
The Apparition of the Tiamat

(A Letter found at the late H.L. Lovelit Home, in Boston, had the following story.)

It was in the spring of a lost year, one yet to remember, save for that fact, Sinned had died in the year previous to it; Sinned, the name still echoes throughout the grat city of Yort, yes, the mighty Yort, with its towering gates and walls. Yes indeed, Yort was still interesting and fashionable in the world that was dominated by the demonic-beings left behind from some golden age long forgotten. The young and foolish King Thesas III was still ruling, as was the new certified demonic-god, Lucifer, or is that he, an angelic being has allowed Yort to know his identity? Many at Yort have deliberated this fact out for quite a long timel, and the Tiamat: mother of demon, she was here, in spirit one might say, or rather, in ghostly form. Yes, with these three, to include the Commander of the Military, much if not all, was suppressed from the public’s eye. Only now, after a decade of over looking at Yort—that is to say, looking the other way when one should be securing its inhabitants—namely the king, it comes to mind, the missing links between the human and demonic world. Sinned always said it was his One God, and of course, the demonic forces within Yort said there was no other but them and us, elmnating Sinned’s God completely from the scene, not unusual for one trying to conuare all (this has been of course explained in the three books I wrote about the Tiamat some years ago).
When the world was flooded, it was not the Great Flood of Noah’s day—that was yet two-thousand years in the future, for there were a number of smaller floods in the area prior to this, thus, Yort was rebuildable; this flood only flooded the Miditerranean Sea area.
I, Nwahs, the brother of Ydoc, have lived an adventurous life myself, perhaps not as much so as Sinned, but somewhat. I find myself thrilling as I think about my brother’s death and the parting of Sinned when, thrilled that I—as a farmers boy—have survived those far off days, trying times of Sinned’s, I was young when he was old, and become who I am, in the high offices of Yort due to my emulation of Sinned and inspiration. Sinned, who utterly submerged his mind with this One God’s business, brought on his own demise, I do believe; yet he remains a legend in our city nonetheless, and as far as Yort can reach. His God is somewhat, or almost extinct now, other than a few folks bringing forth a few glimpses this One God and His interests, doing occasionally at high risk, for to those who bring this interest into the city, is like putting a fire onto old ashes, so reacts the demonic forces of Yort, thus, trying to stomp it out as soon as the new fire is lit, consequently, stopping the thirst for this One God.
Perhaps it can be imagined, my close friendship with the three I have mentioned: The King, Lucifer, and the Tiamat whom now is a ghost in her own right; for she has shed the skin, like a snake of the Ram-god, who now is second in command in the underworld. She as we all know made a deal with him and thus, entered his physical body, as she distorted it, and it rotted away with her inside of it.
I have come to realized more clearly as time has gone by—there is no point in resisting the wants and demands, if not needs of the three most high in Yort, ‘twas they that have now given me my position, and for them who do defy them, risk death, like Sinned, who would not hear of it that way, he did risk life and limb and did die so doing.
And here I was, given the 5th highest position in Yort, under the Commander. The newly made position called: ‘Overseer [detective] of Arms,’ kind of the Govoner of Yort, for I had no real force of my own, yet the soldiers under the Commander, were also subject to me, for they are the ones that kept peace and order in the city. My position simply called for me to review all circumstances of the military, and citizens, and possibly the enemy outside our gates, and report back any derogatory information that might hinder our unblessed city, Yort, or the good name of the demonic forces that now run the fortress. I had no instructions to do anything but report whatever incident I felt was an incident, and in so doing that would demolish any residence within any growing conflict between leaders and followers. I suppose you could call it power out of control, I loved the power, and I knowingly used to control, like everyone else but Sinned, who used it to influence, but never to bind a person.
It seemed to me, most of the young soldiers at Yort were turned into loafers (for the most part), pershpas that was a way to control the city, make them less than warriors and if the city folk compained, they’d simpley blame the lazy soldier for doing nothing, no national proud in the soldiers whatsoever, not like it used to be. You could bribe one easily to turn the other way, not see what was happening. It became kind of a lifeless and thankless job, no longer a career.
With a snarl of disgust, I took my new position, as a gift and a death sentence all in one. For no one ever survived the maltreatment of these three forces—other than, Sinned and the Commander.

[From the view of Sinned, prior to his death, Yort had become a most uninteresting city of death]

Meeting of the Tiamat

Said the Tiamat in her ghostly form to me, Nwahs during one ugly evening:
“You need to invoke into the citizens of Yort their need to worship us more, not only I, but Lucifer, and the King, we are all one, all three of us one in all.”
I answered, “How?”
“Well, well,” she slurped out of her wide and scale like mouth, in a condescending way, with her infamous smirk, “You are the man in the field, the consultant, whose occupation has become the 5th highest in the city, the Govorner: no more pulling weeds out of the field as you onced did for a living— (for I had been a farmer as a youth) its called possibilities, create new possibilities.”
How I wish I’d had never taken the job, and had I known at the time, the flood God sent, would only destroy everything around Yort and throughout the waters of the Great Sea—everthing but Yort, perhaps I would not have taken this job so quickly. You see, it was Satan who vanished into the sky when Sinned died—fearful of the One God, and the world turned purple and blue, black and gray—brused but not destroyed.
And whom would have ever figured Satan would forgive the Tiamat, and let her come back to rule Yort, as a ghost with him, and rule me as her slave. I suppose Sinned was the antagonist for them, and now he is gone, and the world starts over again. Now what can I do to get out of this mess, so I ask myself day after day, as I look in the mirror and see the Tiamat, she has somehow sucked herway into my being, and I see her in ever mirror I look into and ever puddle of water, and I hear here in an everlastng echo in my ears?

The outline of this story “The Ghost of the Tiamat,” was orgnally written in 2002 in part, and rewritten in 2003, and then again in 2006, but the never completed, especially the endng, which was not put ingo focus until the whole story was revised and then finished in 3-2010 (after six-years).

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