Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gun Control Again! In 2010

Gun Control Again! In 2010

This seems to be an ongoing issue, not sure why, like abortion, and Darwinism. The issue isn’t to stop the bad guys from getting guns, they already got them, and if they don’t, they surely don’t go buy them legally or register them, they can’t. So who are we fighting: ourselves, as the old saying goes: we are our own worse enemy. We work against ourselves. I have a gun permit for Minnesota and Peru. And when I’m in Minnesota, all I got to do is show the butt of my gun (open my jacket a tinge) to a potential robber, mugger, and they think twice. In a taxi the driver was going to take me over to a side road, where he had a friend waiting to rob me and my wife, and I explained to him he was taking the wrong road with the wrong guy, and that if he didn’t stop this car, or if he made that next wrong turn, I had a gun, and if I pulled it out, there would be trouble, he looked in is mirror, saw the butt, and said, “Get the hell out of my car.” Had I not had the gun, I might not be writing this brief letter to you folks, it’s questionable? I mean who would have helped me? Surely not the police they were wherever they were, but they were not by me, surely not the lady from Chicago who is causing a ruckus now over our constitutional rights to carry arms, who wants all America to bury them, and leave the bad guys with them (our second amendment right are at stake here). At a café, a guy said to me “Why do you have a gun?” I said to him, “I’m the last person in the café you got to worry about, if you have good intentions that is!” Meaning, if has bad ones, he may have rethink, whatever he’s thinking of doing.
Folks don’t have to worry about folks like me, they never do, and so what is the big beef about? They can’t get the bad guys so go after the good guys? I see this debate in Chicago, some woman trying to explain the unexplainable, which is to leave every law abiding citizen helpless, she’s not thinking straight. I realize she may live in a battle zone, but taking guns away from those who have, or would have a proper permit, who are scared and the police can’t get to you in time, you are saying you want to be responsible for their safety, and you can’t do that, because after they take the rights away from you, the lady—who doesn’t know you, never will know you, goes about her business with a clear conscious, and you’re dead.
As long as I pay my taxes, am an upright citizen (even a war veteran), no one should interfere if I have a hand gun with a permit in my pocket, matter-of-fact, I’d feel safer around those folks, than around four or five thugs, waiting on a corner to hassle you.
My advice to the lady in Chicago is: move or call the National Guard into action (get the Governor to do his job for once), or hand out guns to the good guy in the neighborhood, and watch the streets get cleaned up quick.

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