Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Gingerbread God

Gingerbread God
Once Blessed, Now Cursed

We once lived in a nation by God, under God’s wings, and we once upon a time, not too long ago, were proud Americans, and showed it by standing straight and tall and made our pledge to our country every morning at school, and went over the ten-commandments as Christians do (and perhaps as other religions do, or did). What happened? Today in our Nation’s capitol we have lesbians on the front page kissing in public, we have our schools teaching Darwinism, instead of God’s Creation, and we have women killing their infants in the name of Women Rights, as in the right to have an abortion, faster than birds or dogs can produce their offspring, people are like camels in heat. Something in wrong out there, and we have pornography galore, everyplace you look, and our presidents in the past are doing it and approving it for the nation to do it. And then we sit down and wonder why we are having all this disorder throughout the world, earthquakes from Haiti, to Chili to Turkey, and beyond, and title waves hitting ships and islands, and so forth, and disorder in the Somalian part of the sea. And floods in South America, and I could go on and on, but it is a weekly thing this past winter, snow storms and freezing temperatures in the middle to eastern parts of the United States, and throughout Europe. The only thing sure of nowadays is that soon there will be a new disaster.
And when someone like me, or some well-known preacher, or clergy says: God is trying to get our attention—trying to tell us to back off all this garbage to bury it, or God is Angry, all I hear from the other side of the fence is: God wouldn’t do that; God is Kind and sweet like a Gingerbread God. Wherever we got this opinion of him from, is also a deception, like so much we absorb everyday. God is getting disturbed and the world has got his attention, in the wrong way. And a country like America once blessed, is perhaps soon to be cursed, if not already cursed. We have a president that doesn’t know what he’s doing half the time, and we still have Armies where we said we’d not have them—Americans are becoming big liars just like those we try to protect, or those we call enemies to society, like Iran and North Korea.

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