Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The King and the Island (from the Tiamat, series)

The King and the Island

The story takes place in Uruk (present day Iraq); Yort, present day, Asia Minor, and the Underworld, present day Hell, and an island we shall look at later in the Atlantic. The She-ocean, Satan’s harlot, is involved in this Tiamatiac story (now a trilogy and tales), and is involved with Sinned´s quest; she lives in the ruins of Pergamun, Asia Minor, this is where Sinned had met her first as a youth, a soldier of Yort, and one who went to many lands to fight for the might of Yort, and where she tried to seduce him. The information Sinned seeks is where Uruk is and how Creation came about, and he will find out some of what he seeks, such as: will there be a flood in his time. Actually, Sinned finds out there will be five, one in his time and that there was one about 2500-years before his time (9600 BC), and there will be one after his time, which is around 3600-3700 BC, and one in 1300 BC. Serr’el, his guarding angel, assists him with this information, as he has been assisted by the arckangel off and on within his life time. In addition He finds out there are cities in the world called Ur and Uruk in the land of Sumer, and with the help of the She-ocean, an old friend now, and one who sought after him—as I have already explained, to get away from her master and teacher, Satan.
At this time, Sinned is sixty-years old; he has perhaps thirty-more years to live. And as it was a time for war and adventure for him in his youth, it is now a time for him to seek out the mysteries of life, as it will be in later days, a time for him to rest, and die, and between these two periods he will be giving up the conquest of trying to save the city and its peoples (as the reader may attest to in the story “The Tiamat and the Demonic Stampede), as now it seems to be sketched in his will).
The Tiamat, comes back a third time as a spirit, after being in the underworld (a ghost you might say). The King goes to an island off the coast of where the Pillars of Hercules are (present day, the Rock of Gibraltar is). He feels the Tiamat will kill him; this is the frightened and mousey King Thesas III. At the island he finds he is not very well liked, for his reputation precedes him, and is pushed around a bit by the barbaric inhabitants. Pushed and abused in all forms, he sees the other side of life of course, yet in future time, this will all fade and will not produce a good king out of him, that is to say, this experience will not mold him to be a better man, to humanity, if anything, it will cause him to be more or less all the revenant to him, and simply creates more of a deviant king. Thus, he returns to Yort, to take his chances with the demigods and in particular, the Tiamat.
And so now we see the king is reunited into Yort, and the Tiamat feels he can be used as an authority figure, one that will do her bidding, for now she is in spirit form, and realizes she either has to enter another person and possess him soul and all, or be less restrictive for herself, and dominate the king, and back him up, as she slowly commands all of Yort.
During this time, Sinned is given visions of the end of Yort, and Uruk, a land with a king that will be known as Gilgamesh. He sees both cities in mud, and he sees the son born, called Gilgamesh, and he sees a Vampire High Priest, whom is called the father of Gilgamesh, but this is in question of course, he cannot make out the details. But he is seeing the developments of his, and the ancient world taking place, to him it is present day, and the visions are of future times.
During this period of time, as I had mentioned, when the Tiamat and Sinned were not friends, and I mean that in the sense of working together, because in time they will have to, Sinned cast him into the sea, where she originally was as a physical creature long before Sinned came onto the world scene. The Tiamat knows, Sinned has a power that was given to him by the Almighty, and all the demons and citizens of Yort know this as well, Sinned is in a way, the safety belt, or zone for the righteous citizens. If indeed they wish to be part of the One God Temple in the city, where Sinned goes, they are safe, but the demigods realize if anything, the nature of the human being, which is power and pleasure, and this is the premise they work on for control of Yort.
And so, for a very short period of time, Yort is free of its demigods again, for Sinned has ordered them out, lest they want to be cast into the pit, the abyss—where in future time this will not be possible simply because the inhabitants will not wish it to be, and therefore, as any democracy goes, Sinned will not stand in his their way; and as Sinned has done many times in the past, he is sitting on the Great Walls of Yort, looking down into the valley, and down into the city-fortress of Yort, his city, the one he loves so very much. And the one he is proud of, not because of what he has done for the city, but that he was part of it, usable, and available for God, and his city.

Note: “The King and the Island,” at the time I wrote this, it had no name at which time I felt Sinned should die: the outline written probably in 1999, or 2000, when the trilogy of the Tiamat was being written. It was in essence meant to be a chapter within a book, but only the outline was produced. The name given to this story, “The King and the Island,” was given 6-29-2007. The outline was left alone, in case I wanted to do something with it in future time, because of this, the story that now is called “The King and the Island,”was able to be rewritten and has become a short sketch in the Tiamat Series.Rvised and reedited, 3-2010.

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