Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Tiamat, and the Mesopotamia Stone

The Tiamat,
And the Mesopotamia Stone

The Great Stone of Yort


(6820 BC) Sinned is perhaps ten years old at this point in time of his life, living in the city-state of Yort (in what today is Turkey). The Tiamat, lives out in the woods with her two young sons (Untamable and First Born), she also has a daughter, Gwyllion, who is in the underworld of Avalon (present day England). Sinned, like his father, has been a long time soldier, and likened to his father, Sinned will become a fighting force with King Thesas I (and the II and the III), in Mesopotamia, where he finds the blessed stone called “The Mesopotamia Stone”, and his father is told by an angelic being, sent by the One God, to put the laws of Yort on them, and the stone will be blessed, and to put the stone in the One God temple in Yort, and there it should remain for the people to see, read, and go according to. Should any force try to destroy it, or harm it, in anyway it would be to their downfall.
This is done accordingly, and swiftly, but to the discomfort of the Tiamat, for she has her eyes set on entering Yort, it is just a matter of time, and when she does, she expects to dominate the king or kill him (and she will kill him in time), then she will have the people of Yort build a temple to her, and for her—this will come about in time, but not during this period of her life. And so her intentions at this corner is to destroy the stone before the laws are written on it, and it becomes blessed, and she accomplishes this, that is, capturing the stone, and puts it close to her body as she sleeps. She expects to take it to the bottom of the sea in the early morning, so it will never be found, and during her sleep King Thesas I, and Sinned’s father take it, the angel Serr’el (whom will become Sinned´s guarding angel after his father’s death, puts his hand on the Tiamat, she can’t move, and remains in a frozen sleep).
In this time the King and Sinned’s father are trying to escape, geting out of the area before the Tiamat wakes up, and into the woods near Yort, the Tiamat does wake up and follows the scent of the two humans. She does meet up with both of them, and in a trying battle, swords against her wicket claws, Sinned´s father is fatally wounded, whom cries out for the king to take the stone to Yort, which is now not all that far away. With horse and wagon—for the stone is huge—the king heeds the dying man’s will, and as the king takes off, the Tiamat’s intentions are to block him, but Sinned´s father blocks the Tiamat, and she tares his limbs off, one by one, eats him part by part, which allows the king to advance towards Yort, and now full, she cannot run, and thus, loses the Great Stone.
Thereafter the stone is placed in the temple of the One God, of Yort, for there are other temples, in particular, one called the Mystery Temple (of the Angels whom are in prison), here the priest worships an angel they know little about (which is in the trilogy). The citizens of Yort all go to see this mysterious stone, and Sinned is told by his mother his father that the source in saving the stone was noneother than his father, and is proclaimed a hero of Yort: Sinned wants to follow in his father’s foot steps, and will in time.

The Tiamat, now in the woods, is visited and told by Serr’el not to try to take the Great Stone out of Yort, as long as King Thesas I, is king of Yort, or she will face the doom of the Almighty God, and be cast into the depthless abyss, and never see a flicker of light again. Consequently, the stone remains in place, and Yort, has its Commandments.

Notes: (Sinned, born 6820 BC): this was the fifth part of the saga of the concerning the Tiamat, or the last of the earlier works. In the trilogy, it is indicated what took place but never drawnout. In this a short sketch, written between 2002 and 2003, when most of the saga fragments were written to make a new book in future time, so was “The Tiamat, and the Mesopotamia Stone,” feeling it was too quickly passed over in the original text: done in a narrative reporting style (information approach). Reedited, 3-2010.

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