Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Tiamat and the Winter Withdrawn (The Creation of Yort)

The Tiamat and the Winter Withdrawn
((In Three Parts) (parts two and three never completed))

The Creation of Yort,
And the Land of Sorrows (6800 BC)

Written 6-21-2007

The Tiamat escaped the great winters of 9600 BC, when Atlantis sunk, and the creation of a new continuant was born, called “The Frozen Lands of Poseidon” (present day Antarctica).
At this time, a great catastrophe took place upon the continent of Europe, and Asia as well as—all the way down the Southern Atlantic, the underground, of bottom of the sea, as it opened up and swallowed much of what was land, turned it upside down, or so it appeared, covered what didn’t sink with mud. Legend says, it was then called ‘The Land of Sorrows,’ much of the Atlantean elite, left the so called tips of the mountains of what was left of Atlantis and fled to Crete and Egypt, creating a new race and life, and a secret society within these societies, that would someday become worldwide.
At this time, many of the inhabitants also fled to a land near the Black Sea, where now stands Troy, but before Troy, it was Yort. It was a land set aside, alone on a mountain top, sort of. It could guard itself from the many nations that would in time envy her. A great enclosure her people would build, and man and beast would marvel at Yort’s great walls, the envy of the new world. Gilgamesh would try to copy these same walls in his day (2700 BC), the demigod from Sumer.
The Tiamat withdrew from the islands in the Atlantic and during the eruption was cast into the frozen waters of now, the new land, Antarctica.
At this time, Yort, was but a few months old, being build after the destruction of the old world order, which was by the leadership of Atlantis, consequently, the first king of Yort was but a King for a very short period of time, called Hellsink. He was as wicket as he was sadistic, he had courage alright, and people of Yort grew to dread him and his ways: he loved the hunting of the wild bear and humans, with hidden eyes. He was at one time an Atlantean with a tinge of Greek heritage in him, a simple soldier, who now became a king. He would take at will, and call it his right, the brides to be in Yort, and if there was any resistance, he would kill the whole family of the bride, to include the groom.
Sunrise, the king’s young wife, also of Atlantean stock, but with Egyptian blood also, feared the king less than anyone, and above all, loved his new found kingdom. In truth, she proved to be a better Queen, than he a king. Straight she walked, and tall, for she had come from a royal house in the Port of Poseidonia, the land of Atlantis. And although the king would rule for less than two years, she would rule for one hundred and twenty-seven, and die at the ripe old age of 175-years old.
And so this is the history of the beginnings of Yort, and the coming of the Tiamat, and the winter she would withdraw from to find her new nest.

Note: Originally written for the book: “Tales of the Tiamat,” 6-21-2007, part two and three never written, although named: “Lemuria—the Timat’s Peril,” (6-2007) and “The Queen of Fears (a sad tale of the Tiamat)” 6-21-20067.

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