Monday, August 30, 2010

Alcohol: had its way (a poem)

Alcohol: had its way

Part one
The First Drink

I never cared for alcohol—per se
But it had conquered me, before I started
In a physical way
(but what I really liked it for
was its psychological effect
on my brain)
Yet the rebel in me, didn’t have
Its way…
And to get to my brain
It had to go through my body—
So much the worse to this very day
And yes, in spite of all this
The physical loathing for it
Had its own way…!

Part Two
The Bars

Like buzzing flies, while in the bars
I became alive
This verified my feeling of fascination,
Social approval
Here is where the all important went
(likened unto the: judges, lawyers, merchants):
And so I did Figuring:
I’ve come to the right place,
To make my case;
Thus, drinking was normal
No disgrace
(people inside these bars were like
bears after honey).
What I didn’t know at
Eighteen and nineteen
Were—these fellows:
That they all were jaded
With forgetfulness and Grief.

No: 2780 (8-30-2010)

For those who have read Mr. Siluk’s poetry, his natural private imagery, perhaps more on the nonacademic side, you will discover what he is trying to do is, tell how it is to be alive today, about the present, saying in his own words: ”This is a state of mind one should visit every so often.” He uses powerful descriptions and intense imagery to have an effect on the reader, he implies “…that’s the job of the poet, to effect!” Rosa Penaloza de Siluk

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