Sunday, August 1, 2010

CNN's Story on the: Quran-Burning Event (an opinion)

CNN’s Story of the Day
Reference to: “Church plans Quran-burning event”
7-31-2010 By Dr. Dennis L. Siluk

First of all let me say Lauren Russell and Rick Sanchez, the commentator and interviewer on this story (and journalist), both were somewhere in left field all alone. Let’s look at the facts; none of this gobbledygook stuff Lauren is trying to force feed us. Most of us know out here in the real world what is going on. America was, for the most part—based on Christian principles, not Islamic, and that is what Pastor Terry Jones was implying, you got to listen. And in a way, Rick said: “Is this a monkey see monkey do, thing?” And Terry said in essence “Yes, we’re playing hardball now.”
Okay, let’s look at it from the reality point: the Pope has made a enumerate statement, when he denounced Islam to the world. Oh, he rebukes it, but it was already said. Was he right, to me he sounded right, and I’m no Catholic.
It was obvious Rick was trying to be the hero by being the savior of the Muslim faith, but the world has a new view on Muslims and the Islamic faith, and they see it infiltrating the world, as he said it was going to do, and it is seeping and invading South America, right up the North American boarders as it has throughout Europe, that is what Terry is saying, and does Rick want us to live by Islamic laws! Because that is next, it is called the domino theory; you start with one country, and end up with the whole salami.
Burning the Quran is no worse than allowing people to burn the American flag, if you allow one, why not the other, it is making a statement, no more—you can’t do that is Saudi Arabia, but you can in America.
The question not asked, that I would have asked is, “Why do they all want to come to America in the first place?” They want to leave their glorious country, and bring to the free spirited country their traditions nobody wants. If I went to their country, I’d be dead in a day, if I tried to protest anything to their disliking. Perhaps we should have a law that says, “Monkey see, monkey do,” for them also.

Now let’s get religious: what is wrong with their faith that bothers the Pope and Terry?

There are two principal schools here, not one The Sunni and the Shi’ite, in-between we have Sufis. Not all are militant, or racist, but it is getting hard to separate the two or three—meaning, it is hard to tell which one is not in the movement. And the foreseeable future is in question. In short, Islam is becoming dramatically influential throughout the world, and the underlining thought in Islam, its main principle is likened to the Christians’ goal, to bring their faith and law to every nation. A little more dominate than the Christians though, who wish to bring basically their faith.

So what is Terry fighting against that Rick doesn’t seem to understand?

Perhaps Allah’s desires and wishes are really not God’s but the Muslims? Could this be, and if so, should the world be limited to Islamic Law, and if so: God no longer has a personality, it is only by the characteristic attributable to man. And that simply will not do. Why? Because it is in contrast to the biblical teaching that men and women know God to be, intimately, and the Muslim does not have this kind of relationship with God. And Terry is right; our youth are becoming radical like, perhaps blasphemous. You see, the Christian View of Jesus Christ as God’s literal son is considered blasphemous to the Muslims; so why shouldn’t Terry be concerned? Muslims deny Jesus was incarnate. Ask any Muslim. This is the guts of the issue; there are of course many other behavior principles involved. But I’ll have to take sides with Terry.

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