Monday, August 23, 2010

Obama's New Secret

Obama’s New Secret
(August, 2010)

How long will it take before people catch on to this guy Obama, I’ve been writing about him long before he was president—and he has proven to be much worse of a president than I could have even imagined, but no one pays attention—although I see a few people wising up to his gimmicks. Maybe people in America are like South Americans lately, tired of fighting injustice, so they just look the other way (not even protesting over wars like they did in Vietnam, and we got two wars going on pert near as long as Vietnam, we are really controlled ducks): as the saying goes: you get the government you deserve (and pick).
The newest shenanigans the president is trying to pull off hoping no one spots him is Case No: 8: 10-cv 00031 JVS MLG (I hope I got the case number right). Dealing with 3.78 Trillion dollar lawsuit; putting into law that the FCC is no longer subject to the freedom of information act; thus, no longer does the FCC (and let’s also add the SEC into this), no longer have to protect investors. Little by little Obama is selling our country, just like someone slicing up a large salami, piece by piece, until everyone else has the whole salami in his hands—and it’s not the good guys that are winning this time.

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