Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jesus and the Dome of the Rock (two article)

Jesus in Comparison

Why do the Muslims follow the Koran? It is not Mohammed who transforms them, like Jesus does, but rather the Koran that courts, entices, woos them. You see Jesus not only taught those around him with his holy and ethical message, he was indistinguishable to his message—if that makes sense. Mohammad, Buddha, Zoroaster ((of Persia and India) (first world religious icon— of: Zoroastrianism)), did not claim this, only Jesus did, and consequently, could forgive sins, and did publicly, no one else followed this line of thought—or action.
Those who knew about Jesus in his day, and ever since have said, and some still say: “Who is he?” or “Who was this man called Jesus?”
Jesus may not have said he was God, but he claimed powers only God could have had, or does have, or done things that only God Himself could have done—works only God could have performed, such as telling the Sea to be quiet, in the mist of a storm, and it obeyed, as if it was a wailing child; or turning water into wine, or feeding a thousand people with no more than a handful of food. Plus he said such things that startled the imagination of the world in his time, which still does in our day such as “Before Abraham was, I am (was)”. Thus, who was he before Abraham? Melchisadeck—if so, who was Melchisadeck? And “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father (meaning God Almighty, Jehovah).” Also, “The son of man has power (or authority) to forgive sins.” He claimed, and he did what he claimed.
Jesus never said he was God perhaps, nor did he say he was a man, although he did things only God could do, and there were witnesses to that, as there were witnesses he was a physical man, and did things a man did, he felt pain, and he got hungry, and he slept, got tired. So who was he? He was saying in essence: “I am both, God and man, God incarnate!”


The Draw of the:

Dome of the Rock

Dome of the Rock, July, 2010

I didn’t know why, but I’ve been drawn to the “Dome of the Rick,” just its name, its presence, for a long time, perhaps a decade or two anyhow; I am a Christian, not a Muslim or Jew—again having said that, I asked myself why? With never getting an answer; in 1984, I had a vision, more than a vision, I was in the presence of a wonder, a miracle, Jesus’ hand appeared in a mist to me while in prayer, and I went to touch it, all my pores in my body seemed to absorb the mist, the moment, and I was at peace—it’s un-describable, I was in a state of ecstasy, I now understood how man, once dead in the presence of God, would not have any tears, as stated in the bible. Something I could not venture to understand unless I had had that experience. But this experience is the essence of this story; it is this afterward drawing power of the Lord. Let me go on.
When I went to Jerusalem, I was very happy in seeing all the Christian sites, and when I went throughout Israel, I was happy and full of wonderment of seeing them too, but when I was near the Dome of the Rock, I wasted no time getting as close as I could to it, I was drawn to it, powerless to its spell, my heart rate went up, and my excitation, if I could fly, I would have taken off at once to its nearest allowable point. What was under that dome?

Now for the sake of argument, I must back track before I go ahead. Jerusalem has been conquered thirty-six times in the last 3000-years. Why did King David make Jerusalem the Capitol of the Hebrew nation? What really is under that Golden Dome? Why was I drawn to it like no other place in the world? And I have travelled the world over. This spot is called “Shatiya” or the “Drinking Stone” it is believed the world is nourished from this spot; it is the centre of the Universe by and for many. But why—? It is where God’s presence can be felt stronger than any other place on earth. It is not the Western Wall, or the Wailing Wall, which was built by King Herod. When I was at the Wailing Wall, I felt his presence very little, it is a wall that is built around what is called, was called Mount Mariah. Now the question, the big question, the one that will satisfy this whole article is: What semblance has Mount Mariah got to do with all of this? Just this: under the Golden Dome, is an exposed piece of bedrock, this is in essence of Mount Mariah, the Drinking Stone, this is where King David built his city because he wanted to make a connection with God and he knows something, he remembers, God Himself came to this spot eleven-hundred years earlier, chose this spot among all the places on earth, in the days of Abraham, and God said to Abraham: “Here I am,” then told him to go to Mount Mariah and make to him a sacrifice. God pointed out this place, “And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah: as it is said to this day, in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.” Need I say more?


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