Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Israel and Bedouin

Israel and Bedouin

If the American Government did to the Mexicans, what Israel is doing to the Bedouin Village in Israel, and its inhabitants, demolishing homes time after time, and taking water away from them, and leaving them high and dry in the desert—old women and children out to die—closing off entrances in the Negev Desert, taking livestock so they can’t eat, what on earth do you think the people would do? By God, what is the matter with Israel? They use this word illegal until it’s dried up like a prune, where is the humanity in this? I don’t care about court orders or all that stuff, it’s all made up in advance to justify their actions, what would be nice to see is “Kindness!” have they forgot about that word? I suppose Israel will call this also an anti Jewish statement, they are getting good at that. They forgot what Solomon did to the Greedy Merchant, who gave no mercy to a tenant, and then asked for some. It’s called: what goes around comes around. Dr. Dennis L. Siluk

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